Peace of Mind - Brad Delp

Gone is one of the most original voices of hard rock. I've not heard anyone who could sing quite like him. The first two Boston albums were excellent. This is sad news indeed.

I can say without any hesitation that Brad and the music of Boston had a profound effect on my life. Brad is easily my all time favorite vocalist (having grown up during that era). Boston created a sound that was unique for it's time, and opened the doors for bands with a "heavier" sound but still maintained that melodic feel. Brad also help create some of the first "Power Ballads" with songs like "More Than A Feeling" and "A man I'll Never Be". Boston's music is timeless to me and I play their music when I feel nostalgic. Brad will be missed and never replaced.:cry:
I was lucky enough to see them with Delp, and that Boston show was still one of the coolest stage shows I have ever seen. The whole damn stage turned into the ship that is on the cover of THIRD STAGE!!! COOL THE ENGINES is one of the best rock songs and blows my speakers apart when I crank it up in my vehicle!!! Rest in Peace Delp, you will be missed!!!!!:cry: