Peavey XXX Cab


Jul 7, 2009
I have a straight XXX cab I use for shows. I tried recording it and it sounds like shit! Here are my questions:

Would it be worthwhile to put some V30's or Hellatone 60's in this cab?

Would I be better off trying to find a used OS Mesa?

Which is the cheaper route to good sound?

...and finally, do you prefer to record straight, angled, top speakers, bottoms?
XXX cab with V30s will be pretty damn good, but a used Mesa OS will be cheap (provided you're in North America) and sound by far the best IMO! (I had a Mesa Stiletto 4x12 for awhile, their standard-sized offering with V30s, and the Recto/OS cab DESTROYS it). As for top vs. bottom speakers, check out the clips in this thread, but to summarize, the bottom speakers definitely sound fuller and better in a slant cab, so if you buy a straight you can experiment with all 4 to see which sounds best (as all Celestion speakers, even the same models, sound slightly or not-so-slightly different), rather than having to switch them around to get them all in the bottom position at one point or another (as I did). However, used slants are a lot more common, and I prefer them for live playing, and now that I've got my favorite two V30s in the bottom of my Recto cab (and I always put it on the edge of a coffee table when recording to minimize reflections from the floor, observe), all is well!
Also, Daylight Dies' "Dismantling Devotion" was a Peavey Ultra cab with stock speakers, and I have to admit I've always had a soft spot for the tone on that album, something about the crunch is very infectious, and I remember the Sheffields in my old 5150 combo having a very similar character - to be perfectly honest, there's a small part of me that kinda wants to eventually pick up a used Peavey cab of some sort! (but only to complement my Recto cab, not replace it of course :D)
I do like the live sound of my cab, and find a usable tone recording. I'm definitely not going to get rid of it. The problem is I get a lot of that fizzy sound that 57's exagerate even more. Guess I'm on the lookout for a Mesa OS. I appreciate your responses and help!
I checked out the clips on your thread...definitely 1 and 3. I didn't like the top sounds too much. Did you end up putting 1 and 3 on bottom?
My XXX cab sounds pretty good, also in studio...
It´s true that it tends to sound high, but if you tame it with a good mic position, fredman f.e., it will sound killer!
I wouldn´t waste the time/money replacing speakers, the only fail I find to this cabs is its construction, very poor. Best, invest in a oversize MESA, or a Marshall Dave Mustaine Signature from which I´ve listened very good opinions.
I'm actually going to be tracking some guitar this weekend for a couple of songs. I had just been doing one 57 off axis a bit, pointed at the dust cap. I'm going to try the Fredman set-up. Where can I get the most detailed and accurate info? I've seen a couple threads with the discussion about fredman, but i wanna make sure I get it right.
Thanks for the link. What a great thread! I'm definitely going to try this and variations of it (different mics on center) on the next session. I like the single 57 sound, but like to learn other techniques. I'm thinking this will be a good way to control the amount of fizz with out losing it altogether.