Peavey XXX users


Sep 25, 2009
Finally got some time on my hands to get back into recording.

Recently picked up a Peavey XXX.

I will probably get screamed at for not seaching the forum first but anyone got suggestions for settings to dial in for a good general metal tone (not too extreme)?
Obviously I will be using an Ibanez TS9 tubescreamer too so recommended settings for this would be much appreciated too.

Suggestions for mic positions would be great too, I have many SM57s knocking about and an SM7b.

Congratulations man :)

Ths is great amp. I use the CRUNCH channel with these settings:

Bass 5-6
Mids 2-4 (depending on what cab i use)
Hair 5-6
Gain 3-5 (depending on style,guitar player)

If you listen to the sampls on my site, Saddle the horse sample is all triple X with maxon od808 + engl cab

GOod luck
Nice mid chunk in these amps. Really dry and flat I find. Lots of bass, mids and hair sitting around middle. Gain around 12 o'clock too. Goes great with a recto cab.
Really really depends on your guitar to be honest. But I normally get decent results this way,

Tubescreamer, drive down, tone between 12 and 3 o clock,
I pull the level back a bit so you have a bit more control of the amps gain. With the level at 12o clock on the TS I never found myself going above 9 o clock on the amp gain, so I changed the preamp tubes for some lower gain ones.

Use mid or preferably loose dampning (don't worry, even on loose this amp is tight as fuck. This is just a combined presence/resonance control for the amp)
Set gain to taste (not too much)

Crank the bass mids and treble all the way up, then roll back the mids until you like what you're hearing. You'll probably end up sitting between 11 and 2 o clock depending on your guitar.

From here you've just gotta tweak to taste, if it's too bassy then pull that back a bit, if it's to harsh/bright then pull back the treble. Also watch out for the volume control on the gain channel that you're not using. Turning this up can add a nice edge to your tone, but it's easy to overdo it. I find between 12 and 3 o clock is usually about right.

As far as mic'ing goes, just pop a 57 at the point where the cone meets the dustcap and tweak from there.
Cheers for the advise so far guys.

Guitars are Ibanez guitars with V7 and V8 pickups if this helps with any tips.

As for cabs ive got a straight marshall 1960b with celestion g12-T75s, and an angled marshall 1960ax with G12M greenbacks.

Which cab do you guys think id be better off using?
Guitars are all in drop D tuning.

I have also been considering swapping the 1960b cones for Vintage 30s.

Id love to get a mesa cab but just dont have the £££s right now.
Cheers for the advise so far guys.

Guitars are Ibanez guitars with V7 and V8 pickups if this helps with any tips.

As for cabs ive got a straight marshall 1960b with celestion g12-T75s, and an angled marshall 1960ax with G12M greenbacks.

Which cab do you guys think id be better off using?
Guitars are all in drop D tuning.

I have also been considering swapping the 1960b cones for Vintage 30s.

Id love to get a mesa cab but just dont have the £££s right now.

Try them both and see what you like.

V30's are really nice to record, but are more suited to lower tunings as they're quite mid focused. Always nice to have some kicking around though so you can swap speakers about and see what you like.

Yeah, Mesa's are hella expensive over here :( Orange PPC412's are pretty shit hot for about half the money though. And there's Blackstar Artisan which is 90% identical to the Rectifier cab (the rec has slightly different sounding V30's compared to a stock V30 that comes in the Blackstar and Orange)
Then there's the Line 6 Spider Valve cab's which are basically cheap Bogners and can be had for about the £200 mark on ebay if you keep your eye out. Bargain.

Despite all that I still want a Mesa. Lol!
here's the thread where I posted about it, as well as another user on here and his XXX experiences.

Since that thread, and up to now, I run the amp with EL34's and on the loose setting (which is still tighter than a 6505). In the room, the amp now sounds better than the amp did when I made the clip. Hopefully I can get it sounding nice when I reamp for my band's next CD in the coming weeks.
Thanks for the response and thread link. At least you got that sound once! I haven't even had that.

The other guitar player in my band was using a XXX with JJ KT77's and 12AX7's. It did sound pretty good, but still not quite like that clip. He switched to a Randall with the Ultra XL and XTC modules, which sounds pretty good too.