Pedal Suggestions


Feb 23, 2008
Now that I'm using a real amp again (5150) I need some pedals that I don't have. I need delay, reverb, maybe a TS (why are these so popular with a 5150, does it just boost the signal and refine the tone?), and maybe a noise gate, but I hear these can kill the tone?
Get a TS7, and as far as the noise gate goes get an ISP Decimator. Don't know about the rest though.

i just got a TS9 for use with my 6505 instead of using the ole SD1 and its much less grainy, then again the difference is very slight in a mix, a noise gate is also a good addition, i use the rocktron Hush pedal, seems to do the job well for the money!

as for delay i always wanted either the Line 6 DL4 one (really really useful) or the rocktron cyborg delay
Yep, what Joe said. TS7, TS9, Tubescreamer, Maxon 808 all go well with the 5150. They tighten the bass up and add a subtle mid range hump to your overall sound. The NS2 is great for keeping those pedals quiet, the decimator is great in the effects loop to stop amp hum. As for delays and such, if you are after a few, then a pedalboard might suit you (and your wallet) better. GT8 or a digitech pedalboard should suffice.
For delays, the Line 6 DL4 is cool because it's got pretty decent models of a lot of different delay pedals, so it beats having to buy 5 different delays. But my personal favorite delay is the EHX Deluxe Memory Man. All analog, and freaking amazing modulation. Excellent for ambience/noise and can be used for traditional things as well.

The Hardwire reverb is really cool. Its algorithms were developed with Lexicon.
TS-9 and 808 are over priced rip offs, period.
Get a TS-7, it'll do exactly the same thing as the TS-9 and virtually the same as the 808.
I second the Line 6 DL-4 I looooove mine... so much I bought a second one when I was forced to sell my first one during hard times. and yes, the Boss NS-2 is pretty much worthless... at least for high gain. I also love my MXR Smart Gate. that thing is killer! and pretty cheap too. I got a sick deal on a used one at GC. think I paid like $50? the EH Holy grail verb is awesome. the holy grail is pretty much king of reverb pedals, or so it seems to me.

one pedal you didn't list that I might suggest is a comp pedal of some sort (I modded an MXR dynacomp). These are nice for leads. they really clean up your playing, and the nicest thing imo is they make the volume of your leads equal to the volume of your rhythm stuff, so your level doesn't drop when you play leads. the TS may do pretty much the same thing though. I have yet to use a TS with my 5150.
Another vote for a TS7 here. For delay I'd get a Ibanez DE7, love the tone-lok pot's. Not really got any experience with reverb pedals.

For what it's worth I've never had any issues with my NS-2, though I reckon I use a bit less gain than some of the guys on here.
Thanks guys looks like I'll get a TS7 and a Decimator, maybe the DL-4 as I've always wanted one or a Boss DD as their cheaper.. I was actually thinking about using my AxeFx for delays/verbs but that seems like a pain in the ass and I'd need a footpedal right? It'd be easier just to buy some effects pedals.