Pegazus.. 10years?!!


Oct 14, 2003
WOW! I didn't know they had been around for that long. I just heard about them about 2 years ago.

PEGAZUS: 10th Anniversary Show Details Revealed - Aug. 23, 2004

Australia's PEGAZUS are confirmed to play their 10th anniversary show on Saturday, September 11 at the Central Club in Melbourne, Australia. This will be the group's first official show with new PEGAZUS members, Ange Sotiro on drums and Joe Fata on bass guitar. "Appearing on stage with the band for this special one night only performance will be some ex-band members and special friends," reads a posting on the group's web site. "Also planned is a very cool pyrotechnic display to commemorate this special milestone/event!

"For this forthcoming night, the band will be resurecting some old PEGAZUS classic anthems that the band has not played for well over four years, some even eight years," the band write. "It's a true testament to the band and it true fans to experience something so big and something so special from Australia's true heavy metal pioneers still going strong after 10 years and now heading toward a bigger and brighter future!" Support at the show will come from IDOL CLONE and GRIMLOCK.
Pegazus Full-length, 1995
Metalbound Demo, 1996
Wings Of Destiny Full-length, 1997
Breaking The Chains Full-length, 1999
The Headless Horseman Full-length, 2002
Live! Thunder Down Under Live album, 2003

And they have in their last album the beautiful 'Ballad Of A Thin Man' dedicated to Phil Lynnot (Thin Lizzy), which is one of the best songs one can dedicate to a fallen brother.
To tell you the truth, Breaking The Chains is the only release of theirs that is really strong! Cecati screamed his ass off there, he was the rejuvenated Eric Adams there! What a voice, too bad he went singing progressive stuff, I cannot see what use of such a HM screamer they'll have... :erk:
I like Pegazus but feel sorry for them. 5 years ago they were huge and playing big shows in Europe, now they are commemorating their 10th Anniversary at the Central Club?!?!?!

I live in Melbourne, been to The Central Club heaps (seen Pegazus a couple of times there too), and to be celebrating a "big show" THERE is a bit sad. It's a tiny little pub basically!!! Small room, small stage (how the hell are they gonna use pyrotechnics there?), usually a shocking sound mix...

Years ago they would play packed out shows at good venues here like the Hi Fi Bar or the Cathouse, and now they play to 50 drunk dudes at little pubs like the Barley Corn Hotel and the Central Club Hotel. Not good! I remember a few years ago too, just after Danny left the band, they had a signing at Metal Mayhem (music shop) in the city to introduce fans to the new singer they just got and promote the current album Breaking The Chains, and about 10 people showed up to the signing. Pretty embarassing for them.

And I agree, Danny Cecati is simply an amazing vocalist, and he is wasted in his new band Eyefear. Seen them about 20 times supporting other metal bands around Melbourne and they are boring as hell!!!! The songs are all written around showing off his vocal gymnastics so he does get to use his voice alot, but his voice is literally the only thing the band has going for it. Boring songs, boring sound, no stage presence.

Oh, and I think Breaking The Chains is the best Pegazus album too.
Trixxi Trash said:
I like Pegazus but feel sorry for them. 5 years ago they were huge and playing big shows in Europe, now they are commemorating their 10th Anniversary at the Central Club?!?!?!

Too bad, for someone capable of writing a record such as BTC... :(

And I agree, Danny Cecati is simply an amazing vocalist, and he is wasted in his new band Eyefear. Seen them about 20 times supporting other metal bands around Melbourne and they are boring as hell!!!! The songs are all written around showing off his vocal gymnastics so he does get to use his voice alot, but his voice is literally the only thing the band has going for it. Boring songs, boring sound, no stage presence.

Good God, send Danny over here to me, I really need that kind of vocalist!
And to those who have heard them, my songs aren't boring, at least :tickled: