Pelvic Fury in the Studio

i wouldn't want to live with ted nuget, but i'd love to stay as his guest for a few days.. killin stuff.. eatin stuff.. rockin.. it's all a man needs
I didn't feel like starting a new thread, but Circadian Rising is finished recording everything except for vocals. The guitar solos are fucking retarded (in a good way) and I can't wait to let you guys listen to this shit. I'm going back in on Sunday to start vocals, and we're going in again on September 18th to finish off whatever I don't get done this weekend. We're also doing group vocals on the 18th. Keep your calendars clear!
well I am gonna go ahead and un-sticky this jawn. We are in fact no longer in the studio. Nick says mastering is one or two sessions away from completion. Luis says the art is 2 weeks away. So we're looking at having this shit done in the next 6 to 8 weeks maybe?!?!?!?!

I can't freaking wait. I appreciate everyones patience on this.
God damnit.... How do you guys function without me and Bear there? I would have thought all of you would have crumbled without the inspiration of your two favorite people. You guys make me sick. I miss all of you.