Penetrator. Killer Cd!


New Metal Member
Jun 22, 2004
Blazing riffs and killer vocals. Can't wait to hear more. Keep up the good work guys.
Power to Metal.
Keep swinging that power metal axe!
The guitar riffs tear at your brain and rip through your gut!!!
The drumming is solid and the vocals are cool!
Keep pounding out the Penetrator Rapture Radio.
My kid brother swiped the CD from me!
For newcomers who self-produced the CD.... Unleash The Fury kicks ass!
Just the other day I was talking to someone connected with the band.
They told me that these guys self produced this CD with hardly any money.
Is it true that they did the whole CD in 2 weeks?
I heard they wanted to get it out fast so they could get some shows. I guess that's what some bands do.
Great job guys.
:cool: :cool:
i've been going thru all the posts for the last few days and kept reading all your comments on Penetrator.
I was curious, but didn't really think about it until I picked up a copy of Brave Words and Bloody Knuckles and saw the review they got.
I also saw them mentioned in the brave picks section more than once.
Now my interest as really peeked.
Can anyone give me more insite on this band?
How long have they been together? Where are they from? Who are they?
I ordered the CD yesterday. Can't wait to hear it.
I've been blasting this cd day and night!
They are METAL GODS!
Dying to see these guys play live.
Let me know when they will play around the Cambridge area.