PENETRATOR TONIGHT! Check your timezone.


New Metal Member
Jun 27, 2004
OK gang.
All of you have beem emailing the Pentrator crew to find out about the correct time according to the time zones.
Ontario is EST, but also on Daylight Savings Time for the summer.
Oklahoma is CST. If they are not in Daylight Savings time, then the 9 PM stands for Ontario residents.
If they are in Daylight Savings Time, then Penetrator will be on at 10 PM Ontario time.
Those Tme Maps are hard to read and not all include Daylight ST.
I hope that helps some.
Maybe Wes can fill us in.
If anyone knows for certain, please post the correct time for all those listening in from the Ontario region.
No Kidding.
This time zone stuff is even harder when they make the maps pea size and when they don't bother labeling the states and provinces!
It's hard to remember what is what if you don't hail fron that area!
They use to have great time zone maps in the white pages once upon a time!
I hope I don't miss Penetrator tonight!