
Suprised I didn't get banned. But if I could go back, I would do it again, because I fucking hated that guy and pissing him off had me cracking up to tears.
there were only 3 bans and each of them were legitimate under UM policy and US law lol. Showing your cock in a public place without warning is a big one

That's a bullshit law!

People want to see my penis, they just don't know it yet...
Matt won't ask to be unbanned because he considers it to be yielding to Will, I believe.

How the fuck do you "yield" to someone on an internet forum? Is life that shitty for some people, that they gain some sort of sense of pride for refusing to ask for an internet forum account to be re-activated?

Moose, I don't know if it's true, and I sincerely hope it's not. I know you're kinda out there and all, but dragging out this pissing contest (online, nonetheless) is futile. I'm sure if you just ask, they'll reinstate your account.

Refusing to go back to your cheating gf is a reason to feel like you've given someone the finger, not refusing to go back to a music forum that you still frequent in any case. I always thought you were permanently banned or something. If not, come back and join in the conversation and post some more crazy shit like you used to. Dragging out this "feud" or whatever the hell it may be is ridiculous.