Pensioner declared dead by doctor is found alive by undertaker

oh my god thats insane! can you imagine if like the old man went into some sort of paralyzation and was still awake, could hear everything but they thought he was dead. and he could hear them putting him into the coffin? that would be so fucked up.

there have been cases where thats happened during surgery. people wake up mid operation but cant speak, move or anything. they can feel all the pain of the surgery and are screaming in their own heads but nobody knows.

thats such an insane story - his wife must be the happiest woman alive today!
Assuming things go differently in the UK...Is there no autopsy? When someone dies you guys just throw em in the coffin and put them under ground? That's what im getting from reading that story.
Assuming things go differently in the UK...Is there no autopsy? When someone dies you guys just throw em in the coffin and put them under ground? That's what im getting from reading that story.

it depends - sometimes if the person is old enough they dont bother and just state they died from natural causes. its cheaper that way!

and the doctor came around and said he thought it was a heart attack - i presume they just want with that
Yeh, we just get rid of em' especially the Polish :lol: (*apologies to polish*)

Crazy shit...If that happens here in the states your pretty much fucked, unless the person doing the embalming notices a pulse...

So is this sort of thing common on your side then?(Mispronounced deaths) Not trying to hijack the thread im just really interested in this
Crazy shit...If that happens here in the states your pretty much fucked, unless the person doing the embalming notices a pulse...

So is this sort of thing common on your side then?(Mispronounced deaths) Not trying to hijack the thread im just really interested in this

Nah just kidding. Seems a bit weird, they do an autopsy usually or whatever.

Heres a nice one...

"In the 17th century a Mrs.Blunden of Basingstoke was buried alive by mistake after she had fallen into a drug induced coma, her maid had in error given her Poppywater. She was dug up the next day after children heard noises coming from the ground, unfortunately to late as she was dead but evidence of her trying to escape were obvious to see."