Pentagon Conspiracy


he says only he is wise, and everyone else is stupid and evil, and probably wonders why people think he's a raving lunatic.

edit-actually i guess we think he's a raving lunatic becuase we've been brainwashed by our evil teachers.
Well he definately believes words are evil, because he goes out of his way to show how words cannot explain his grand theory.
Its an interesting flash. However, If a 757 didnt crash into the pentagon, then we still have a missing 757, and all the passengers aboard said plane.
En Vind Av Sorg said:
Its an interesting flash. However, If a 757 didnt crash into the pentagon, then we still have a missing 757, and all the passengers aboard said plane.
Two words: Bermuda & Triangle. :loco:

I have no idea what happened to that 757. But for sure, it didn't go into the side of the Pentagon that day to leave a 3 foot hole and some scattered paper.
speed said:
Well he definately believes words are evil, because he goes out of his way to show how words cannot explain his grand theory.

Wouldn't it be incredibly easy to check the flight records for this 757? If that doesn't pan out we'll send Will Smith after it, that nicka knows how to take care of biniss.
Adrian said:
Wouldn't it be incredibly easy to check the flight records for this 757?
It would probably list the flight, and time of departure, the name of the crew and passengers etc. And then there would be some fake account of it crashing into the Pentagon, when in reality, it was shot down over the Atlantic somewhere. In the meantime, to build up the case for war with minimal self-inflicted damage, a missile was launched into the Pentagon...leaving a perfectly round hole in the wall, and an estranged cougar chasing a blonde chick through a remote forest somewhere...
Do you have pictures of this cougar or more importantly the blonde chick (action shots in particular kthx)?
Adrian said:
Do you have pictures of this cougar or more importantly the blonde chick (action shots in particular kthx)?
Not during the chase, but this true story was indeed re-enacted for a an episode of 24.

Here is the female in question:
