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Opeth fanboys are some rabid motherfuckers. Sometimes I feel silly for liking Opeth because I feel like I am associated with said fanboys, which is bad.
I can't believe so many people got pissed from one slightly negative comment... what kind of people get that pissed off when a band honestly speaks its mind?

I guess this is why all the "major" bands never say a single negative thing about any other big bands in those interviews. You offend one fanbase, any you become the most hated band on the internet!
hay guyz, watz up. this is FuSoYa, here. I liek to defnd my comments by insulting people.omg opeht fanbOyz R soOooOoo stoopid!!can u believe it??lolrooflermalom

Hi, I'm an Opeth fan and I get really offended and insult people when someone disses Opeth. Clearly any criticism leveled at a band should be taken as a personal affront to the collective dignity of that band's fan base.
Honestly though, I agree with Toby's criticism of Opeth...I find them very frustrating, because some of their riffs are immensely great. They write fantastic sections of songs, but I just think the songs fall apart under their own weight.

I really really wish that wasn't the case, though. I had great hopes for Damnation. I thought maybe this would be the album that really breaks through their typical songwriting style, but I was fairly dissapointed in it.

I think Opeth is a case where a band getting big kind of killed them, perhaps. I don't want to play the game of second guessing their intentions, but it seems like the immense popularity they garnered around My Arms... or so kind of threw them into a rut. I've found the last four records (excepting Damnation) to be way too similar to me.

In any case, I really want Opeth to have some sort of breakthrough or breakdown or something. I think they could be Great.
FalseTodd said:
Honestly though, I agree with Toby's criticism of Opeth...I find them very frustrating, because some of their riffs are immensely great. They write fantastic sections of songs, but I just think the songs fall apart under their own weight.

I really really wish that wasn't the case, though. I had great hopes for Damnation. I thought maybe this would be the album that really breaks through their typical songwriting style, but I was fairly dissapointed in it.

I think Opeth is a case where a band getting big kind of killed them, perhaps. I don't want to play the game of second guessing their intentions, but it seems like the immense popularity they garnered around My Arms... or so kind of threw them into a rut. I've found the last four records (excepting Damnation) to be way too similar to me.

In any case, I really want Opeth to have some sort of breakthrough or breakdown or something. I think they could be Great.

yeah I can see exactly how mayh, still life, blackwater park and deliverance sound similar.

Same vocalist, same musicians....

uhh.... thats about it......
Exact same styles of riffs (the distorted folkish chords), exact same dynamics (not so much on Deliverance, but the heavy-acoustic-heavy-acoustic formula got pretty played out over the span of three albums), jarring transitions... MAYH, Still Life, and BWP are very clearly similar.

What do you see in that band that's *genius*? Why is maudlin of the Well "shit"? Preference itself doesn't dictate that a band is good or bad.
>>Originally Posted by neurotomania
maudlin of the well are fucking shit.


It's not even music, its just... shit.<<

You're actually proud enough of this assessment that you had to re-post it in this forum? Good one, sparky.
capeda said:
>>Originally Posted by neurotomania
maudlin of the well are fucking shit.


It's not even music, its just... shit.<<

You're actually proud enough of this assessment that you had to re-post it in this forum? Good one, sparky.
yeah, i had originally thought this would make a good signature quote, but i soon decided my neighbor's dead dog could barf up something more coherent and useful.

plus, the one i have already kicks its ass.
personally, i hate the "cut and paste" argument. it's mostly nonsense. it doesn't even make sense to say "i feel the music could be more cohesive" or so. that's just personal sentiment disguised as an objectively meaningful remark. it's not objective. i like Opeth the way they are. they're doing something different from motW, and that's the way it ought to be. i find music that is "polished" disgustingly simple, too digestible or obvious. i lose interest in that kind of music quick.

anyway, simple fact is, i really believe that the people who say that Opeth music are cut and paste are the ones who are the least familiar with Opeth. what's cut and paste about songs like The Night and Silent Water or Bleak or Drapery Falls or Moonlight Vertigo or Demon of the Fall? the charge doesn't even apply to the songs on Damnation considering the three minute ABA format of those songs.

i can see how the charge might apply to songs like Advent. the accoustic outro of that song, for instance, definitely sounds "cut and paste", but even still the music isn't worse off, imo, for being so. something is being said in that kind of abrupt change or inclusiong of music, an atmosphere is produced that isn't empty of meaning or intelligence. in anycase, the fact is most Opeth songs aren't that abrupt. they have a natural flow about them in their dynamics, in the way they breath, change tempo, or modulate to a different key or riff. it makes sense and the overall product is a scale of music that is very diverse and ambitious within itself, and yet doesn't collapse under the weight of its own diversity. if this weren't the case, Opeth wouldn't have as many fans as they do. and i wouldn't be posting in their defense.

ps: sayin!
i like Advent.

i don't think you should cite the number of opeth fans as evidence against toby's argument, though.

I like Opeth. Opeth is the band that got me into metal a while back. I haven't listened to them in a while, but I think they are good.

However, the last few albums have all followed the same formula. I think Opeth is a great band with much potential and I really, REALLY wish they would experiment more. Mikael said the next one might have more of a BM influence, so that might turn out to be cool.

Damnation was boring IMO. Way boring. Deliverance was a disappointment.

I will continue to follow them though. I just want them to try something new, cuz I think they'll do well with whatever they try.
more bowel movement influence? is that even possible?

i dont mind when opeth repeat themselves, which i do notice. i love it every time. and deliverance and damnation are totally special. deliverance does represent a departure or a progression or somehting, and damnation is damn pretty.

bath is a cool album, btw.

ok thats quite enough of talking about music for me. i feel ill.

:ill: <-- see?