people who cook: to remedy accidental green chicken soup


human plant/container
Oct 17, 2003
Boston, MA
toby accidently bought cilantro instead of parsley for the chicken soup we were making. i didn't notice, chopped it up and tossed it into a soup (half a bushel thing of it too.)

anyhow, now the soup is completely green, and tastes/smells strongly of cilantro. it looks a bit like the algaefied triop water with vegetables floating around in it, instead of triop carcasses (but no large triop pushing/piling the veggies on top of one another.)

i'm thinking of transforming this entire greenish concoction into a vegetable soup. what extra ingredients do you think i should use? tomatoes, potatoes?

any ideas, anyone?
Any root vegetables probably will do some good but will also pick up a lot of the cilantro flavour so if your goal is to diminish that it might not be such a good idea. I personally would transform it into a mexican bean soup/stew. Add a can of red or black beans, a hot pepper, half a can of canned italian tomatoes (depending on how much soup you were making of course), a buttload of cumin and any vegetables you might like (corn, carrots, onions, zuchini etc..)

Let me know if you need any more pointers...
Chicken would work wonders in it, really nice stuff. If you cook it long enough the chicken would break down and become extrememly tasty... not a good idea to add canned beans and let them cook for a long time though, add them at the end.

I thought of another idea, but that one is a little more on the heavy side and the flavours will sound weird. You could add a couple of canned mushroom soup (without making the recipe on the can which requires milk), extra mushrooms, the potatoes you put in, I would add peas and carots. Then to make it all work add a good deal of cayenne, a bit of cumin, a bit of coriander seeds (they do taste a lot different compared to the leaves that you have). Maybe a bit of hungrian paprika or harissa and a tiny bit of curcuma and you have yourself a cajun chicken and mushroom cream...
Mindspell- I have american cheese, hot dogs with cheese in them, and brocolli&cheese soup. My dinner guestsare lactose intolerant and I cannot afford to buy anything. HELP!
so you're chicken soup is *always* green/triops water-colored?!

mindspell - i'm broke, so i couldn't go out to purchase all the extra ingredients for this mexican bean soup. i added potatoes, simmered for an hour, and then stuck in the fridge. :(
screwdriverqueen said:
mindspell - i'm broke, so i couldn't go out to purchase all the extra ingredients for this mexican bean soup. i added potatoes, simmered for an hour, and then stuck in the fridge. :(
Now you have a recipe for the next time you/Toby screw up.. :)
i'm not a big cilantro fan. every week when i go to whole foods i buy a big bunch of fresh cilantro and i never finish using just has such an overwhelming taste. either you can't taste it at all or it's ALL you taste. i think i got turned off cilantro during the whole mid-nineties yuppie "let's add cilantro to EVERYTHING to make it sound high-class!" boom.

i do use it in guacamole pretty heavily, and of course in a lot of indian foods, especially lentils.
SoI see how it is Mindspell! If they're in Kayo Dot... they get recipes but "friends" like me are left high and dry!