Per Wiberg - The Fifth Member

I think that he did great on the DVD, he's a good backup vocalist. As for being a member, no. I don't think he should be. I think it would bad. Opeth don't need lots of keyboards on their future album so they can just session someone else, probably just use wilson in studio and maybe Per on tour again. But jesus christ, these threads are getting old. We need a moderator around here.
Martyr said:
I think that he did great on the DVD, he's a good backup vocalist. As for being a member, no. I don't think he should be. I think it would bad. Opeth don't need lots of keyboards on their future album so they can just session someone else, probably just use wilson in studio and maybe Per on tour again. But jesus christ, these threads are getting old. We need a moderator around here.
I'm sorry...I didn't see the hundred other threads about this...
CrestfallenStill said:
i don't make the decisions in the band...........

wow, i'm not even in opeth, so my opinion has 0 effect
oh yeah? what an amazing discovery! we should also not talk about political stuff, because we are not in the government right?
commandante said:
sorry but he is not, I asked Mike about it, quit bitching about a thing you dont have a clue about. as for now he is a session member...

Whoa, you know Mikael? That is groovy.
I Don't think he should join the band, I like Opeth cause right now they're very close, you know? When Steven W came in I thought it was a suprise, a good one. I guess he added something. But as for Per, meh.

An Opeth black metal album eh? I'm a huge black metal fan, more erie piano would be groovy, I just hope Opeth doesn't ditch too much of their sound, thats why I like 'em they're unique... Hey if they make a black metal influenced album maybe they'll go on tour with Dimmu Borgir, they once went with Cradle a long time ago when cradle was with Music For Nations. Opeth and Dimmu, two of my fav bands... I coulden't miss it

Hail Opeth :worship:
Julian Zembrowski said:
Whoa, you know Mikael? That is groovy.
no man, I don't know him, I was just being the fanboy after the NYC show this last tour waiting in front of their tour bus for them to come out and I had the chance and honor to talk to him...

as for Kielbasa: the world also doesn't revolve around me, but I still like to talk about it. I don't expect retards like you to appreciate some good discussion though, nevermind...
Guys, Kielbasa's older than all of us, and it certainly translates directly into his maturity. I mean, come on, this guy's been listening to metal since the 80s! He's fucking hardcore! How can we compare to him?

Seriously man, go suck ggggggu's cock, since you seem to like him so much.
Board needs less assholes, not more.
lol, sloppy my ass, fourthhorseman. im simply controlling stupid people with their emotions.

commandante: you were ruining the discussion and you are telling me that you were part of a good discussion? i simply pointed out your stupid comment/attack and you are now accusing me of ruining the conversation.

IAmEternal: i dont really know you so well, as you are fairly new here, but i assure you i have never attempted to place my musical opinions above those of others. where did you get "hardcore" from? how am i in anyway like gggggu? and yes, im probably not as mature as you; i still need to learn how to accuse strangers of "sucking cock" online.
btw: moontower is awesome, but i still think that tool is worthless.

FourthHorseman: you aren't siding with these 2 guys are you? I havent even really done anything wrong, except point out that "[talking] about political stuff" and the addition of a new opeth member are two different concepts in that one we can control one (politics) and the other we cannot (new opeth member).

for the record, i attacked commandante because of his stupid comment towards CrestfallenStill. I dont see how sticking up for another board member and making fun of an idiot makes me in any way like gggggu.
KielbasaSausage said:
per is already a member. quit complaining.

commandante said:
sorry but he is not, I asked Mike about it, quit bitching about a thing you dont have a clue about. as for now he is a session member...

I'm not siding with anyone, I'm just saying you should admit when you're wrong. :) Since there's no better proof than commandante asking Mike, the whole bitching fest is useless.
I don't understand why everyone went off on you though.

Ahh fuck I'm late from school.
What's creepy about that? Maybe it's the Seriously Off-Topic board, but I have no trouble looking at naked people in general. I suppose you people have never seen your mother naked either [and remember it, smartasses thinking about sucking her breast].
TheFourthHorseman said:
What's creepy about that? Maybe it's the Seriously Off-Topic board, but I have no trouble looking at naked people in general. I suppose you people have never seen your mother naked either [and remember it, smartasses thinking about sucking her breast].

Yes, we're so impressed with your open-mindedness and your security with your sexuality.

It IS off-topic, and is highly unnecessary and distasteful. Perhaps some of us don't want to be surprised with pictures of middle-aged, overweight naked men engaging in homosexual acts when we're trying to read posts on an Opeth board, seeing as how computer monitors are viewable by anyone in the same room as it.

Don't we have moderators for shit like that?