Perception of America...


Crazy on a ship of fools
Dec 11, 2002
Check out this quote from Nicko McBrain of Iron Maiden...

IRON MAIDEN fan site report that in a recent interview with member AirRaidSyren, drummer Nicko McBrain spoke about the band's future in America.

Says Nicko, “Well, to be honest, we don't like playing in America. It's not good, and it's not me that has the major problems in the band since I live in America, but we have a real problem with American's attitude".

Nicko didn't say specifically that Maiden won't play in America anymore, but from this it's pretty clear that if that's the case it'll be just a few dates, like on the Dance Of Death tour last winter.

Upon further investigation with the fan site, I found out it wasn't really a structured interview, just a few casual comments made to the member during a drum clinic. Also, you can imagine that these comments are (at least) somewhat out of context, so we don't really know the full intent of Nicko's comment.

Not bashing Nicko or Maiden at all...I just wish to point out that it's sad that, no matter how hard us underground legions fight...the perception of our silly candy-coated hip-hop-rap dumbasses is all the music industry sees...and the rest of us (with some semblence of musical literacty) get no respect at all.

(Sigh)...I guess it's better to remain in the underground anyway.

Rock on!
Sounds pretty fucking hypocritical to me, being that he lives here now. Niko should just be glad that he is allowed to live in the states, where it is becoming harder and harder for people from other countries to get a chance to live in the US. Speaking of attitude, I can say without a doubt that the english attitude is tons more snobbery than that of the US, so not sure what the hell he is thinking. C'est la vie

i'm curious what attitude he's talking about.

if its political, then i agree with him. if its social, then i don't understand. he and the band shouldn't care what the majority of any country thinks of their music, just the loyal fans who go to the shows.
If it is politically motivated then I say, piss off. That's a pretty shitty reason to not want to play shows here.
If, as I believe, it is because there is not as much of a market, as in other countries, for their music then I completely understand.
I think he's talking mostly for bruce. if you remember, there was a clip floating around not too long ago from maiden's last "mini-tour" of the states. they had to cancel a show out west and play the next day because of like one little person throwing stuff on stage. he got real pissy and said something along the lines of "why don't we just go home". bruce is a pissy little bitch, and he gets worse with age. noone can deny that, and that's why i could care less about seeing maiden live anymore. not because of that situation, but because he just plain gives off a bad vibe at their shows. he's always angry with something. a pre-madonna if you will. the sound, the fans, the crew, it's always something with him. he forgets most of the time that maiden is steve harris, not bruce. priest was made for america. maiden obviously wasn't. if they don't like it here, don't fucking come back
Bear said:
Sounds pretty fucking hypocritical to me, being that he lives here now. Niko should just be glad that he is allowed to live in the states, where it is becoming harder and harder for people from other countries to get a chance to live in the US. Speaking of attitude, I can say without a doubt that the english attitude is tons more snobbery than that of the US, so not sure what the hell he is thinking. C'est la vie


For clarification, according the to quote, Niko said, "'s not me that has the major problems in the band since I live in America". From his diary posts I've read, he enjoys the states and is the reason why he lives here.

I hope Niko or the band will issue a statement better clarifying the comment, which was, as stated above, probably taken out of context. If the band does indeed have a negative view of Americans, whether it be political or otherwise, then I certainly don't care to see any of the annoyed band members on OUR soil again. If America is that bad, then don't only not tour here, but don't visit here and don't conduct personal business here.
Didn't mean for this to become some sort of socio-political thread...just a commentary on the music biz...but you guys do have some good points.

I don't think Maiden (as an entity) will be clarifying Nicko's offhanded least not if they're smart...they should just let it lie.

Just thought it was be fair...Nicko has tons of friends around the States and always speaks favorably of all his adventures in our great nation. Even his vehicular battle with a certain security guard (haha)...

Rock on!
As a metal head I have a very negative view of the American people when it comes to music because the majority of Americans listen to country, Pop, and Rap.
I also am not so thrilled with the politics in this country at the moment (and I am not a Kerry supporter either), and since the recent elections were close, I know that I am not the only one.

And don't get me wrong; I am not some kind of anti-American. There are a lot of things I love about my country. I am just not so close minded as to not respect that other countries/people may disagree with us and that other countries might be nice places to live too(like Switzerland).

A lot of you seem to be saying that if a band doesn't like our politics or thinks negatively about the USA's masses, then they should get out and not play here.
But regardless of what bands think of our country, they should still play here because they know there are pockets of diehard fans that love what they do. And the fans are not the country or the politics, and they are what touring should be all about.

To paraphrase Tobi Sammet when he was trying to silence a large Brazilian crowd that was chanting "fuck USA" (it was a misunderstanding that they started shouting this; Tobi was trying to get them to yell 'fuck' like he had at PP in the USA and they misunderstood him and started chanting "fuck USA;" I'm sure they will cut this from the DVD) Tobi said that he had a lot of good friends in the USA and that metal heads are alike everywhere; it is all about the metal.
That's right!

It's all about the metal...

Couldn't have said it better myself...

Rock on!
i agree with ReaLM...

looking at just the comments here, i see a real polarity developing around the world on the subject of the USA. people either vehmently detest us, or radically support us. i don't like the feeling of it. i really dont like the 'love it or get out' attitude nor do i endorse the 'america blows' attitude.

if a band (or any member of said band) doesn't like our country, who cares. if they still want to play here to make money, i'll still pay them to enjoy the show.
ReaLM said:
As a metal head I have a very negative view of the American people when it comes to music because the majority of Americans listen to country, Pop, and Rap.
I also am not so thrilled with the politics in this country at the moment (and I am not a Kerry supporter either), and since the recent elections were close, I know that I am not the only one.

And don't get me wrong; I am not some kind of anti-American. There are a lot of things I love about my country. I am just not so close minded as to not respect that other countries/people may disagree with us and that other countries might be nice places to live too(like Switzerland).

A lot of you seem to be saying that if a band doesn't like our politics or thinks negatively about the USA's masses, then they should get out and not play here.
But regardless of what bands think of our country, they should still play here because they know there are pockets of diehard fans that love what they do. And the fans are not the country or the politics, and they are what touring should be all about.

To paraphrase Tobi Sammet when he was trying to silence a large Brazilian crowd that was chanting "fuck USA" (it was a misunderstanding that they started shouting this; Tobi was trying to get them to yell 'fuck' like he had at PP in the USA and they misunderstood him and started chanting "fuck USA;" I'm sure they will cut this from the DVD) Tobi said that he had a lot of good friends in the USA and that metal heads are alike everywhere; it is all about the metal.
Nope not just a band or member of a band, anyone period. If someone comes to the US to live and make a live and earnings and complains about it, well boo fucking hoo. Go back to where ever it is they got away from in teh first place and see if it is any better. That is the way I feel. I have many friends at not only my company and around the music scene that have come from other countries that are very very very happy and feel lucky enough to get a chance to make a good life here in the States as compared to what they came from. C'est La Vie is what I say and if you don't like what you see here, get the funk out

Heavy Metal music was never meant to be mainstream. (We can thank Metallica for fucking that up for us all.)

I think PP shows that there are TONS of us that love it, we just don't flaunt it all over. ProgPower has sold out the last, what, 4 years? That's got to say something.

The last GWAR show held here in Minneapolis sold out (JMC Where were you for that show?), quite a few shows bring in a hell of a lot of people.

The fans are out there, the bands just have to look past the mainstream and dig into the underground.

I aggree 100% with RealM in his post. I am not American, but I've been living in the country for a little bit over 5 years, and I am not afraid to say that there are great things in this country, in the most varied aspects, as well as there's a lot of bullshit and a lot of crap that which I will die disagreeing with. I'm not Pro-Kerry nor am I Pro-Bush. But yes, generally (and I don't mean everyone, but the majority) Americans are very closed-minded in the fact that people no matter where they're from may disaggree with the US or not. The way I see things is : Americans think that they're right in everything that they do, and whoever does it differently, they're doing it wrong. And that is very unfortunate, because this is the greatest nation of all, but so full of ignorant people (Don't get me wrong, I have tons of American friends and I love this country as much as you guys do). And can somebody explain why is that?

If a band does not like the United States for whatever reason, that's they're problem, not ours. Is Nicko McBrain wrong for stating those things? No, he is not. There's something in life called Freedom, and if you Americans are so proud of that, you should be quiet and accept his opinion. If he does not want to play the states because he thinks the place is full of assholes, than shut up and accept it. If you don't think he's right, that's fine, it's your opinion and I'm sure people will respect it. And Bear, I am very sorry, but I strongly disaggree with your "If you don't like it, get the fuck out" attitude. I am pretty sure that you, being an American yourself dislikes some things that happen in the states, and yet nobody is telling you to get the fuck out. Now, just because a person comes to work in the states and doesn't like it, what gives you the authority to tell a person to leave? The fact that you're American? Does that make you better than anyone else in the world? Think about it. Metal is not about that, is about getting metalheads united for one thing that they love. You're kinda going in the opposite way... No hard feelings to be left, I was just expressing my opinion.

I just hope you guys don't take me wrong for not being American and expressing a different point of view of your own. But you could always think about it =) ;)
Ain't this a fun crowd!

I'm not so much a patriotic American citizen, as I am a patriotic Detroit citizen. I'll say this, though. There's a shitload wrong with my America. Then again.... there's a shitload wrong with England, Russia, Germany, Iraq, Japan.... think about it. Name a country, that somebody WOULDN'T be able to bitch about? Hmm? Hmm?

Didn't think so.

I'll abide by the great words of the Whackmaster himself, Senor Tedly Von Nugentburger:

The whole world sucks. But America sucks a lot less.

Now then.... off to listen to a bunch of metal from a bunch of foreigners!
Maybe the Maiden boys should worry a little more about making a album that doesn't sound like shit, rather than people's attitudes, 'cause DoD was a turd.

Hope I didn't offend Bruce & Co. with my pissy attitude...
MetalRose said:
Heavy Metal music was never meant to be mainstream. (We can thank Metallica for fucking that up for us all.)

I think PP shows that there are TONS of us that love it, we just don't flaunt it all over. ProgPower has sold out the last, what, 4 years? That's got to say something.

The last GWAR show held here in Minneapolis sold out (JMC Where were you for that show?), quite a few shows bring in a hell of a lot of people.

The fans are out there, the bands just have to look past the mainstream and dig into the underground.

No I was not at that show. I had to watch my son that night as the wife had to go to a meeting.
I agree its about the music, I am an american born and raised and there are a lot of things that bother me too and a lot of things that are great. I dontno what hemeant by his comments and really dont care. If Maiden comes to Atlanta to play or I am on a road trip and they are there I am gonna see them. the metal music scene nowadays does suck but I think a lot of us like it the way it is away from the mainstream. It sucks though when you see a really good metal band and 100 people show up but what can you do about that. And what Metalrose wrote above about progpower selling out 4 years in a row, you dont hear a word about that. It was the toughest ticket in town that weekend and not a word on the radio or newspapers.
AngraRULES said:
And Bear, I am very sorry, but I strongly disaggree with your "If you don't like it, get the fuck out" attitude. I am pretty sure that you, being an American yourself dislikes some things that happen in the states, and yet nobody is telling you to get the fuck out. Now, just because a person comes to work in the states and doesn't like it, what gives you the authority to tell a person to leave? The fact that you're American? Does that make you better than anyone else in the world? Think about it. Metal is not about that, is about getting metalheads united for one thing that they love. You're kinda going in the opposite way... No hard feelings to be left, I was just expressing my opinion.

I just hope you guys don't take me wrong for not being American and expressing a different point of view of your own. But you could always think about it =) ;)
Just want to know where it was written that I ever said that? I was quoting a song by Extreme "If you don't like , what you see here, get the funk out" So please do me a favor a read things more carefully.

You are contridicting yourself also by stating ones opinion while telling people they should be quiet in regard towards theirs, well I disagree with you. We have the choice to speak our minds on whatever it is we wish to speak on, bottom line. I will say it again so you understand me. I have the opinion if someone comes to the USA from another country to live and make a life and bitches and complains about how life is here, then by all means go back to where you came from, very simple. That is my opinion and I will keep it until the day I die. I have american indian in my blood, so I actually have alot of things against this country that go way back but there is nothing I can do about that, all I can do is live my life the best way I can with all my brothers and sisters.

As for your final in regards to metal heads keeping with metalheads , this really has nothing to do with that, so I don't understand where the correlation lies. Peace

Holy crap...I can't believe that I'm the one that opened this can of worms...but, for the most part, there's been some very lucid responses...

I'll throw these tidbits in...

Scott Ian said it best once upon a time...

"It's a free country and everyone's allowed to suck if they want to."

It's America for cryin' out loud. I have the right to express an opinion, you have a right to disagree, we have a right to tell each other to shut the fuck up...

But.....neither one of us should ever have to worry about being oppressed for our opinions...

Ain't life grand?

Rock on!