Periphery Creativelive

Hi nolly, thanks to this great video. Even as i work mostly with programmed drums it works out really well. the tip with the track spacer is phenomenal! cleans the whole low end that much.

best regards,
Okay so I don't have the money to drop on the class... but would I be right in assuming that the gate trick you guys were talking about on the first page involves the fabfilter pro g and it's frequency slider in the expert tab bit?

So for instance, bus together snare, toms and kick, whack pro g on there, set the slider/gate so it's only gating the high end in between hits.... and then take a sidechain from somewhere?

Where would the sidechain be coming from?

Hands down the best CL class I've ever watched, learnt so much and especially your approach to level single tracks first + add raw samples (if needed) and operate on the bus from there makes perfect sense to me!

Although you missed talking about the stereo widening part on lead guitars (I think it was waves imager?), I understand given the time pressure :)
Yeah, it's not fixed, I hope they do fix it.. buuuut I'm not keeping my hopes up..
It's a good class! Definitely worth it..

The video compression is horrible though, even on the photoshop classes, where it's critical. It's distracting, especially on bigger screen, and it's really not HD..
Yeah the course is definitely worth it. The intro price was a steal.

Drums are my favourite thing to record so seeing how others go about it is always interesting.

One of the things that sets it apart is Nollys diction/articulation when explaining ideas.
Has anyone had a go at mixing the jam passages that were included with the sample files by any chance?

Had a mess around with them today, it kinda feels like cheating when mixing because of how good the raw sounds are! That room is really great sounding! Totally brings the drums to life. (makes me realise how much I hate my room as it's really dull and dead)

That Wraith snare in particular is awesome, so much pop! Credit has to go to Matt for how hard and consistent he plays too.

I also learned something pretty interesting when ringing out the cymbal spot mic's, I noticed that in the china and hihats I was finding resonances in the same places, and the same thing happened with the ride and spock, looked up the mic list and the china/hats were the MC930's and the ride/spock were both KSM109. So I guess alot of what I'm hearing is resonances in the mic/capsule.
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Anyone else feel like the assistant is shitting bricks with trying to deal with PT on camera? :rolleyes:

But a great series! I think the only improvement I would have liked would have been to use a Cubase machine to see Nolly working in a more comfortable environment. Obviously time constraints, location .etc all played on that.
Can anyone send an email to asking for the fix of the "micing guitar cab" video?

This is what i got from them:


Thank you for contacting CreativeLive. Hi,

I do apologize for the issue that you are experiencing. I do not have additional reports of issues with this course.

Could you please try the troubleshooting steps below and re-download.

Clear your browser cache/Reset your browser (Wiki)
Try a different internet browser (i.e. Chrome, Firefox, etc.)
Try updating your internet browser
Try restarting your computer
Try restarting your modem or router

Anthony "
I'm not sure what is up with the audio on the bonus video but I have messaged the show producer and hopefully they will rectify that ASAP. The samples/jam clips are up now, I'd love to hear what you guys do with them!

If they won't listen to him..

I think they're just going to ignore it..
I'm chasing up the cab micing audio issue again now, apologies, I definitely expected it to be resolved now since we captured the audio correctly.
Nolly, I found the drum tuning stuff really great info, but I see you missed out on the bass drum tuning, how do you tune that, is it too low to tune by ear?
Great course and the 'why I do this' explanations from him are very appreciable. More than just showing before and after. But while this class is stellar, the top notch playing/recording make the mixing step very flexible. What I have to deal with each and everyday is total opposite: very often baaaad playing and generally poor songs (and I'm far from an awesome engineer too tbh!) So going back to my sessions to apply/try some new ways of doing is a bit frustrating..

OT: Nolly, this guy next to you seems to be asleep as fuck during the mixing part ahah! Makes me want to bring him a coffee to help a bit :tickled:
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