perpetual cheers thread!

Yeah, I'm always amazed by how much the characters in BSG drink, especially Starbuck. I commented on it to my dad, and his response was good. Basically, they're on a ship in the middle of space for years, what the hell else are they supposed to do?!
Yeah, I'm always amazed by how much the characters in BSG drink, especially Starbuck. I commented on it to my dad, and his response was good. Basically, they're on a ship in the middle of space for years, what the hell else are they supposed to do?!

Maybe stay sober enough to make good decisions that will benefit humanity? I mean shit, now all they want to do is get really drunk and kill themselves. :lol:
If I were in their position, I'd be formulating a battle plan against the still perusing Cylons, and sending scout parties to try and find another habitable planet.
Skål muthafuckazz!


alright srsly guys stop fagging up every thread with star wars worship
Sorry neal, missed your post, awesome ale though.
went to Stone Brewery over the weekend. that place is fuckin awesome! hella beers, great food, really cool outdoor areas, granite everywhere. i recommend it to anyone who ever finds themselves in Escondido!