Pet Peeves

lizard said:
people who are placed in management positions who have no people skills and/or lack of intelligence.
I wouldn't call that a pet peeve as much as an indictment of society, but stupid people in any position of power annoy me to no end. Another pet peeve I have is people who steer any unrelated conversation toward themselves and constantly drop names and laugh at their own boring anecdotes I couldn't give a fuck about.
yeah I agree with that, you know like they totally piss me off... like this one time I was going on a real interesting trip with the georgie, you know, he lives at white house 1 123 45 washingdon dc USA now, I know him well we go golfing every other weekend, and I sorta slipped on a small rock and then I told myself "SMALL TUVA CAN OFTEN WEALT BIG LASE!"! hahahahahahahaha!!!
I also hate it when you're at a mall and every fucking car is waiting for the closest spot to the door! Fucking aye!!!!!! All you have to do is drive to the top of the friggin structure and they're a million and 1 spots! This is annoys me to no end.

I also can't stand it when people come to your house and honk the horn. Get out of the car and walk 25 feet. :yell:
- People who think ANYTHING is objective
- People who don't understand that my liking for subjectivity is my opinion and I don't care if they don't agree with it, but they aren't going to convince me to change my mind