Pet Peeves


Old as Yoda
Jan 11, 2005
I have no life so i was sitting on the patio pondering Life in general, and it hit me(A pigeon turd out of the blue) so after showering I came up with this idea, list your major pet peeves.

1. Pigeon Shit

2. No toliet paper in the bathroom

3. Ungrateful people(people who never say thank-you)

4. Self serving individuals(people who take credit for some one else's work)

5. Long lines at checkouts

6. Running out of Ice

7. Bent nails

8. Clogged drains

9. Short geen portion of a stop light

10. Slow people in the passing lane

11. me for starting a thread like this
People who are afraid or too snotty to look me in the eye when we pass on the street.

Fountain sodas with weak syrup content.

People who can't have a civil discussion about religion or politics

Drivers who keep a huge distance between them and the car in front of them in heavy traffic.

Constant whiners and complainers...

People with no sense of humor... or people who take things way too seriously

People who let their kids run amok

Farts on an airplane

Dogs (that aren't ours) who crap in our yard

Poor customer service from anybody in the services industries (it's your job, get good at it!)

People who lean forward at hockey games

John for starting this thread... Just kidding friend :D

to name just a few...
1) cell phones & texting behind the wheel - Nobody is immune to the stupidity it causes!
2) People who drive slow in the left lane and speed up when you try to pass them (illegally) on the right.
3) Raccoons in eves & attics!
4) $4 for a fuggin' Tombstone pizza at Wal-Mart
5) The entire IT industry...
6) Emo kids
7) People who pee on toilet seats.
8) Certain people who don't use American style toilets as they were intended and "hover-dump". Yes, it's still a problem where I work! (not related to #7)
9) I'll third obnoxious smells on airplanes!
10) Obnoxious smells while wading through the crowd at Prog Power :heh:
In no particular order...

1. People that talk or have their cellphones on during a movie
2. People that don't wash their hands after going to the restroom
3. Poor grammar and spelling
4. Spam
5. People that don't write thank you notes for shower and/or wedding gifts
6. People that double park
7. People that don't cover their mouth and/or nose when they sneeze/cough

~ Jen
Drivers who keep a huge distance between them and the car in front of them in heavy traffic.

Don't follow me then because my #1 is.....

People who tailgate. And when they do, I will leave a LOT of distance between me and the next car.

Like J-dubya, people who drive slow in the fast lane and won't move over.

People who think traffic laws apply to everybody besides them.

People who refuse to merge until the last possible moment.

People who bitch constantly.

People who make excuses and won't take responsibility for their own actions/choices.

Rusted bolts

Auto repair shops who put wheels on with an impact wrench rather than hand tightening the bolts.

People who save seats at ProgPower USA.

People who fart in the crowd at PPUSA.

Inconsiderate smokers

Our representatives in the House and Congress.
Don't get me started. :lol:

Our government

The post office

People who use boring overused slang words

Restaurants with tiny beer menus

Ladies on dating sites who only date slim n trim weightlifters

Ladies on dating sites who only date really tall guys
(she's 5' 4", and only dates guys 6' and over)


D.O.T. idiots who do major construction on the roads only on weekends

Bible thumpers

There now, would imagine I've offended quite a few with this tirade :lol:
Prog snobs.

People who refuse to listen to newer bands, simply because in their minds, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest and Savatage are the only bands in the world worthy of listening to.
Prog snobs.

People who refuse to listen to newer bands, simply because in their minds, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest and Savatage are the only bands in the world worthy of listening to.

Prog Snobs???? I guess we aren't friends anymore then. HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE just kidding, I hate you Power Jerks.
- people who get angry if you say "bless you" when they sneeze because they aren't they forget its more of a social common courtesy than anything nowadays.

- people who take their nice damned time waddling to a door at an insanely slow pace while youre holding it open for them

- shut doors on empty bathrooms

- people who turn on their blinker as they make the turn

- drivers that slow down when they pass someone that is pulled over by a cop...ya know, just incase the cop decides to jump back in his car to come chase rather than ticket the person he just pulled over...

- half full soda/beer cans sitting around while people keep opening new ones
Here's one I got stuck behind today....

There are three lanes. Cars are pulling up to the light in both outside lanes. Somebody in a hurry is coming up in the middle lane. The 2nd guy in one of the outer lanes cuts the fast driver off to get into the middle lane. The light turns green, traffic moves through the intersection. As the third lane goes away, that car that HAD to get into the middle lane, gets behind the car they were behind before they switched lanes, leaving the guy in the middle lane behind two slower cars. I wanted to shoot the guy.
Food manufacturers who try to get around nutritional labelling laws by claiming that their tiny, non-resealable package of food has "2.5 servings". :mad:

People who feel the need to forward every single chain letter they receive to *everyone* in their address book.

+1 on the inconsiderate smokers -- and texting while driving.
7) People who pee on toilet seats.

Oh geez, you should have heard the bitch-fit I raised at the Naperville Ribfest about this. Every single port-a-potty I went into, I had to wipe off the seats with toilet paper because they were covered in pee. Do people piss all over their seats like that at home? Ugh. HatehatehatehateHATE.

Okay, pet peeves, besides the above:

- people who drive at least 10 miles below the speed limit.
- Chicago
- You just wash your car, and suddenly, SPLAT! A big, purple, (with bits in it) splotch of bird poo lands on your car.
- people who fail to use their turn signals, or use them at the absolute last minute, so that it only flashes once, or worse, only half-flashes.
- Chicago
- The DVD release of Werewolf (the TV show) being pushed back to October. Sadness! :(
- Excessive waste of food, money, etc...
- Spending money you don't have, while constantly crying broke
- crying broke when you keep blowing every paycheck on the latest video game
- letting World of Warcraft gradually consume your life until you have no life outside of WoW. Then acting suprised when your spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend/cat leaves you
- Did I mention Chicago?

Things I enjoy:
- horses
- rainbows
- music
- family
- friends
- concerts
- spring
- summer nights
- musicals
- dancing
- laughter
- stupid jokes
I could really go on with this list. I LIKE STUFF. :)
-- Guys who don't raise the toilet seat before peeing. I don't care HOW good you think your aim is, the seat is hinged and raises up for a reason. Otherwise, it would simply be permanently mounted to the top of the fucking bowl.

-- Drivers who don't have a clue. Case in point: busy 2-lane freeway (4 lanes total), 70 mph, with an entrance ramp that has a short taper. Several cars are coming onto the highway on the ramp and a tractor-trailer is in the right lane coming up on them. Two dimwits decide that this is a great time to pass the truck on the left. Wrong. It would have been a GREAT time to hang back and flash your brights so the grateful trucker can get over and clear the lane for the entering vehicles.

-- Drivers who drive slow in the left lanes. This causes extra 'thrashing' between lanes and more accidents.

-- Idiots who race on the freeway, weaving in and out of traffic and doing 100+. I've seen this twice here, just this week.

-- people who can't make a decision and stick with it, people who refuse to take personal responsibility, the Mouches and Jim Taggarts of our times.

-- people who say laughingly "Oh, I'll be at the bar or in my hotel room during ___________'s set!" That's nice. Ever think what a slap in the face that is to Glenn? He books bands because he LIKES them. Sure, not everyone will be on board for every band, but that's just nekulturny. ("no culture")