Pets and Rapture


Dec 4, 2006
Syracuse, NY
Just in case you're worried about them.

Your Pets Will Not Be Flagged For Removal By Jesus During the Rapture
Date: 2008-06-19, 3:59PM CDT

FLAGGERS: Over half the United States population has legitimate concerns about what will happen to their pets after the rapture occurs. Please respect their faith and allow this service to remain posted, just as the waste removal and grooming posts remain posted. Again, over half of the US population feels that this is a concern to them. If there is a specific problem with the ad, please email me. Thank you.


"No one knows when that day or hour will come. Even the angels in heaven and the Son don't know. Only the Father knows."
(Matthew 24:36)

"For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep. For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord."
(1 Thessalonians 4:15–17)

Have you ever thought about what will happen to your pets after Jesus comes back to claim the souls of the saved during the Rapture and deliver them to heaven to enjoy ever lasting life? The bible clearly teaches that only those that have accepted Jesus as their savior will enter heaven (John 14:6, Romans 3:23), and we all know that pets do not have the cognitive ability to do this, so what will happen to your beloved pets? Surely without you there, they would be stuck inside your empty house, starving to death with no one to feed them, let them out to potty, or clean their litter box. This is probably not what you envision for your pets after you are gone. This is where I come in.

I am here to offer you pet care service for after the rapture. As an atheist, I will surely still be here on this earth post rapture and would love to look after your pets for a small fee and make sure they are still well taken care of after you and your family have been raptured. You will be able to look down on them from heaven and see them being well cared for by me and living happy, healthy lives. Do not let my atheism scare you! I am a m**** and loving pet owner and would never do harm to any animal.

For a small deposit of only $50, you can be assured that your pets will be well cared for from the time that you are raptured until the end of their natural life. They will get adequate amounts of food, water, and shelter as well as plenty of exercise and socialization as I would imagine there will be a lot of pets that will be abandoned by Jesus the pet hater that will need to be cared for.

If interested, please email me for my PayPal address (you can also send me a check if you prefer) so you can assure that your pets will be taken care of after Jesus comes to take your soul to heaven. $50 is only a small price to pay to know that while you are enjoying everlasting bliss, your pets will be cared for until their end days. Thanks and have a great day!

Please do not flag this ad. It is very serious.

Ahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaha, it was good when I thought it was just an ad for reassurance or something, but when I saw that it was a guy actually offerring permanent pet-adoption services in the event of everyone being swept away in a divine judgement, holy crap... o_O :lol:

Oh, and I just noticed the title, which is awesome as well :D
I would imagine there will be a lot of pets that will be abandoned by Jesus the pet hater


This guy will probably be a millionaire. :)rolleyes: at both - him, for taking advantage of stupid people and at stupid people for being taken advantage of by him) I don't know weather to call him an evil genius or scum of the earth. I guess both...

But wait, doesn't he know that there is a pet heaven? :loco:
Furthermore, it just occurred to me that since he's an atheist, he obviously himself doesn't believe that the Rapture is going to happen, so what other motivation could he have except to take advantage of people? (or comedy, which he's succeeding wildly at :lol: ) I too am torn between calling him a shithead or a genius, because if anyone is stupid enough to believe it then good riddance to 'em!
Furthermore, it just occurred to me that since he's an atheist, he obviously himself doesn't believe that the Rapture is going to happen, so what other motivation could he have except to take advantage of people? (or comedy, which he's succeeding wildly at :lol: ) I too am torn between calling him a shithead or a genius, because if anyone is stupid enough to believe it then good riddance to 'em!

Well technically he could be an atheist just on the point that he denies the existence of God, rather than just believing in something else.

I've met people who have told me flat out they are just living in denial because it suits them better.

But you're right...this guy is either mentally whacked out or a prime example of the rare and unheard of species of the thinking American.
Shithead? Mentally whacked out? What are you guys talking about?

The guy is succeeding at two things here:

1.) Making a total mockery of a delusional (and humorous) belief system held by of alot of Americans.
2.) Potentially making a profit off of it as well. :lol:

My hats off to the guy. I hope that thousands of "Left Behind" readers start sending him money; they deserve to get taken.
Hahaha, such bitterness Metalhead - don't misunderstand, I do agree with you, but I can't really advocate conning, if that's this guy's angle.
Hahaha, such bitterness Metalhead - don't misunderstand, I do agree with you, but I can't really advocate conning, if that's this guy's angle.

I know what you mean, but can you really call it conning?

Alot of people really believe that they will be zapped up to heaven and the rest of us poor bastards will be left behind. He had absolutely nothing to do with convincing anybody of that nonsense. He's only capitalizing on it.

If the church was preaching about the rapture, and subsequently selling rapture insurance policies, that would be conning.

Hell, if a customer was actually raptured, I'm sure he would make good on it anyway. :lol: