Just found out about these guys a few days ago. Awesome stuff! Reminds me of Witchhammer and early Blind Gaurdian.
Yeah right, you said Black Sabbath is your second favorite band, so clearly you don't. And you love Grave Digger! Boltendahl sounds like Grover from Sesame Street. How is he better than Pettypew's Thomas Schwarz?

His voice is all over the place is what it comes down to. Ozzy's voice isn't bad when it comes to those early Sabbath albums actually. Live nowadays is another story. You got me on Grave Digger.
His voice is all over the place is what it comes down to. Ozzy's voice isn't bad when it comes to those early Sabbath albums actually. Live nowadays is another story. You got me on Grave Digger.

I really like how Schwarz's vocals are all over the place. It makes the music even more wild and unpredictable.

Sorry for going off on you, but I really, really love this band, and I think they're nearly perfect other than the singer's lack of technical ability. So when people listen to them and have nothing to say about it other than the band's one flaw, it pisses me off.
I really like how Schwarz's vocals are all over the place. It makes the music even more wild and unpredictable.

Sorry for going off on you, but I really, really love this band, and I think they're nearly perfect other than the singer's lack of technical ability. So when people listen to them and have nothing to say about it other than the band's one flaw, it pisses me off.

No need to apologize ever. :lol: I get it in particular when it's a band you're a big fan of.
Hadn't heard this band before. Thanks for the introduction! Will be interesting to see what they come up with, but for now I will have to start searching for their old albums...

This thread reminds me that Not Fragile need to put out some more material. It's been too long for them.
Anyone who needs a copy of "Against the Stream of Influence" should try contacting the band. Maybe they have some copies left. If not, you can encourage them to do a reissue.

Early Not Fragile rules! I haven't heard the later stuff. "Hard to be Alive" deserves a reissue too.
Anyone who needs a copy of "Against the Stream of Influence" should try contacting the band. Maybe they have some copies left. If not, you can encourage them to do a reissue.

Early Not Fragile rules! I haven't heard the later stuff. "Hard to be Alive" deserves a reissue too.
