LOL - you and Bob need to go to counseling together.
You both suffer from "Can't Accept That Some People Don't Like Bands YOU do-ITIS"

Maybe you should take a musical appreciation course.

All the time people post lists of dozens of average albums in the "Now Playing" and "CDs You Bought" threads, so when I try to introduce them to a band that's truly great and they don't like it for a trivial reason, it's very frustrating.
I only get upset when people "slam" bands they have never heard because it's a part of a certain genre.......

The difference here is that I have listened to Pettypew and don't care for them.

@ Dave - Don't worry. If they played Ragnarokkr they would have many fans around these parts.
Eh, I think Pettypew playing KIT is only slightly more likely than them playing Ragnarokkr. KIT has a bias against European bands for some reason. That's why I've never had much desire to go.
Eh, I think Pettypew playing KIT is only slightly more likely than them playing Ragnarokkr. KIT has a bias against European bands for some reason. That's why I've never had much desire to go.

Not really they have lots of euro bands play but half the crowd there is from europe so it is like Ragnarokkr getting all midwest acts. You have to branch out and get stuff that isn't common out there. There are lots of festivals and shows out there so the chance of seeing lots of those eurp bands are pretty easy.
Yeah, exactly.
US bands are always more appreciated overseas. Always have, always will.
I mean Enuff Znuff in the 90s were playing arenas in Japan.
Here in Chicago they couldn't sell out Shark City.

Whenever I hear the name Pettypew, I cant help but think of this guy:
Early Not Fragile rules! I haven't heard the later stuff. "Hard to be Alive" deserves a reissue too.
Not Fragile is one of those rare bands who have consistently (albeit infrequently) released great albums.

Yeah, Pettypew is not one of the better band names, but not one of the worst either. I also have Pillow Killz, Ferngully, Love History, and Feline Melinda in my collection.
I'm not familiar with most of those bands, but Feline Melinda I know are good.