

Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
I can't recall if we had a discussion about this band. I heard about them but it wasn't until PMR (where are you John?) brainwashed it into me that i finally found a great metal band. Not completely American Power Metal, not retro 80's sound, I consider them a very "modern" (in the good way) and fresh metal band deeplyn rooted in old school with melody, energy and force.

I want to pimp them heavily among you people, because I believe they deserve to be listened and followed. They can play short fast songs, medium size and even make a beautiful folk impregnated theme ('Ancient Anthem') that changes the mood greatly in their second album "Storm Riders" . The debut "Rise Of The Phantom" has the collaboration of no others than Robert Lowe (Solitude Aeturnus, Candlemass) and Jason McMaster (Watchtower, Spastic Ink). The band itself is basically the actual line-up of Omen minus Kenny Powell (Eric Knudson took the guitar duties in the albums but he has left the band already). So those who like the last Omen album will love this one albeit I must say they are different concepts, this is not Savage Circus copying Blind Guardian.

This is really good stuff along with the remasters of Acid are the albums that have hit me hardest lately.
I can't recall if we had a discussion about this band. I heard about them but it wasn't until PMR (where are you John?)

Still around but keeping low for now. Glad you're enjoying the Phantom-X :headbang:- Hope to catch up in the ol meeting place sometime soon.
Still around but keeping low for now. Glad you're enjoying the Phantom-X :headbang:- Hope to catch up in the ol meeting place sometime soon.

Sure thing pal. Hope you're not "over the fence" :saint:

Actually Eric Knudson have a band and he requested me on MySpace. The singer is Kevin Goocher an the guy kick ass big time.
What is it with the "X" in the name? We've got...

Phantom X
Symphony X
Planet X
Eternity X
King's X

Probably some others that I haven't come up with yet....
Funny you mention it. I was introducing a pal on Friday to the band and he thought before hearing it that was a prog band, he has a theory all bands finishing in X are prog :lol:

From your list I only dig Phantom-X and Planet X.
MP3 Samples on their website sound great... so I ordered the CD thanks, Wyv!

Anytime buddy, I know you will love them. Very good heavy metal from USA, a band that truly knows how to play old school without sounding dated. Recommended too for those who like the last Omen album.