Philadelphia show - the Trocadero - 11/15

MagSec4 said:
A box of pizza?!!
This isn't the founder of PizzaHut on tour fella, this is the greatest metal band graceing this land. >(

(Haha.. doesn't even look like good pizza!)

truthfully .. it was a calzone, but a damn good one at that.. mmm feta cheese.

i was walking down the street and alexi was just standing around, all i had was my box, so i asked him to sign it. He says its the first pizza box he's ever signed :lol:
Chromatose said:
it was a great show
i got alexi to sign
my box of pizza


:lol: that fuckin hilarious HAHAHAHAAHA
I got like 18 pictures of Bodom's set. As soon as I get them developed and scanned, I'll try to post em. Hopefully they came out allright.

Only one I met after the show was Janne, and I didn't get to talk to him all that much. But he did pick up my Follow the Reaper cd after I dropped it right in front of him:P
CT_THRASH!!!!!! Glad to see you on the Bodom board (: (: :wave:

/* EDIT */

> that is uncertain
> who would want to go alone?

i went alone to the Montréal show, and looks like i'll go alone again on the 15 december.......

i wanna girlfriend :waah: :cry: hopefully one who likes metal!!!!
delt said:
CT_THRASH!!!!!! Glad to see you on the Bodom board (: (: :wave:

/* EDIT */

> that is uncertain
> who would want to go alone?

i went alone to the Montréal show, and looks like i'll go alone again on the 15 december.......

i wanna girlfriend !:waah: :cry: hopefully one who likes metal!!!!
well i'm not as much a bodom fan as i am a sinergy fan...but hahaaa, i had to respond to chrome's pizza box :lol:
looking back, it was actually my idea muwahahaha :heh:

a girlfriend eh? perhaps UM will bring you as much luck as it did for chromatose and i :grin:




I AM the leafslaying basketeer. Fear me!!!

It's just a flesh wound...
Carnivorous Cheeses!!!
I went to this show too... I went nuts for CoB and Nevermore. :) If anyone happened to see a brunette chick wearing a purple & white tank top headbanging a lot (I was on the front left side if you're facing the stage), that was me. :)

CoB needs to freakin' headline next time!

Heh, funny thing. A lot of people tell me I look like Alexi, and everytimes I went to the bathroom or something at the show, at least 5 heads would turn and look at me in a "Holy shit! Oh, wait, nevermind" kinda way. That was a lotta fun:P
Hey people, should i get my guitar singed my Roope and Alexi, im gonna try it anyway, but just wondering if he would do it.