Photos from the Hamburg show at 29-11-2006


Crazy photographer
Jul 8, 2004
Copenhagen, Denmark
Finally i got the time to finnish those photos...







The rest can be found on
Bates, it looks like your typical decorated Norse shield, with a swirl pattern (that's not the correct archaeological term, no) in red and green, and an ourline of an auroch or other animal skull in the centre. Mind you, I can only see part of the design...
Really nice photos!
Oh, I maybe then that is someone's shield, cuz they had "their" vikings at one of the shows. Now I have to look for Asterix... -T (who thinks that if one has a mascot, Asterix is one of the better ones.)
Oh, I maybe then that is someone's shield, cuz they had "their" vikings at one of the shows. Now I have to look for Asterix... -T (who thinks that if one has a mascot, Asterix is one of the better ones.)

Well, the shields were made by the Jomsvikings, but they were actually a part of our stage set through the entire European tour. We had one on each side of the drumriser.

Yeah, Asterix is a pretty good mascot. At least if you're french. He also had a little story written every night that was taped to the drums just undernieth him... Too bad I can't remember any of them...
Oh, cool!
(Hey, Thorfin set fire to his beard and hair - and fact and arm, a bit. He's got shoulder -length hair and about a 4" beard now. Mental note: Never blow fire downwards.)
Ugggh... I hate when that happens. I've toasted off most of the hair on my face a few times. The 'no eyebrows' look is definitely not a good one for me.

Fire is not my friend today.... the liquor store by my house burnt down this morning :waah:
Meet my friend, Loki...Oh, I forgot, you two already know eachother. LOL.

And this time he stole my beer! This cannot be borne! Well, maybe not literally... but dammit, now I have find a new liquor store. If you thought American beer was bad, try the grocery store lower alcohol versions :( You'd be better off eating the dirt under the kegs at an outdoor show.