Photos (+ review, but in french) | Elysee Montmartre, Paris | 23.02.07


New Metal Member
Feb 23, 2007


Enjoy, feedbacks welcome :)
omg thats hot! I wish i had been there..

EDIT* woooooah it took me SO long to read the little tiny bits about PQ and firewind..i need to practice my french..


amazing well impressed.. :)
I spoke more French in that day then ever before in my life, and I can't read a word of that :lol:

I'm doing a review for Little Linda's website once I get home, I'm glad to say it'll be in Anglais ;)
those pix are indeed incredible!

in the review PQ's style is discribed, he wrote that he didn't know'em but was impressed (instruments&singing), that the setlist was too short and that he wants too see'em a.s.a.p. again!
...and he also wrote that such a concert is perfect for a photographer like him - with all the poses&faces...and the hair
Hello to you all, I'm new here on this forum.
I found another review, from reims, check it out
(sorry if the link doesn't work... in that case copy &paste it)
I know it's in french, I'll try to translate it (it's difficult for me 'cause I'm italian, I have to do a double translate!!! :) )

It says: "Originary from Great Britain, the band plays a good-executed power-metal. Alessio Garavello has a great voice tonight, even if it didn't sound very good in the beginning (because of technical problems!). The guitars solo are executed sooo good, and the band gives a good atmosphere to a venue only half-filled. Power quest played 5 songs for a set-list of about 30 minutes. A good discovery!
Hello to you all, I'm new here on this forum.
I found another review, from reims, check it out
(sorry if the link doesn't work... in that case copy &paste it)
I know it's in french, I'll try to translate it (it's difficult for me 'cause I'm italian, I have to do a double translate!!! :) )

It says: "Originary from Great Britain, the band plays a good-executed power-metal. Alessio Garavello has a great voice tonight, even if it didn't sound very good in the beginning (because of technical problems!). The guitars solo are executed sooo good, and the band gives a good atmosphere to a venue only half-filled. Power quest played 5 songs for a set-list of about 30 minutes. A good discovery!

That's a great review, it's good to see that people are coming around to PQ :)
Another review found!!!!!!!!

Always in french, doesn't matter, here you are in english: (tell me the truth: is it simpler to read it in french than in my English, isn't it? :-D)

"Before we can see the Brazilians on stage, the British PQ open the dance, with their energic and fresh power metal!The band toss and turn on the stage with fervour and perform 6 fast titles of their repertory,coming out with the extraordinary "find my heaven", followed by "Sacred Land", "Edge of time", "Magic Never Dies", "neverworld"- and we remember the bomb "Temple of fire". The singer/guitarist reaches easily the higher notes, and the other 4 members-there is a keyboard also- give their heart playing WITH these 6 titles!Here it is a new hope that we'll have to support in the future!"