Photos SG Tour!


Unless thats an over-sized cow bell I hereby claim my choc ice.
He makes a good point tho, there's no reason the drummer should be left out of half the photos...
Jonoleth said:

Unless thats an over-sized cow bell I hereby claim my choc ice.

I must say I do cut a particularly'smudge'.

OK, dude. What flavour? :)
Lol. If/when I come and see you guys in concert I will try and get a reasonable pic of the drummer for once!
Lol. No offence meant. It has to be said most of those pics are awesome anyway despite the notable lack of drummer.
profskett said:
Cool....could someone translate the review, I don't know any Italian...

Got this from Worldlingo Translation. Not that great of a translation but here it is:)

The Biomechanical is acquiring more and more consents (happened) like better metal band emerged than this last year. Beyond turning for all England, the five musicians are preparing themselves for the European conquest: the adventure live will see protagonists to them also in Belgium for a pair of dates. The Biomechanical goes up on the theater box of the Music Box di Manchester playing for one group of forty of furente minuteren metal, like support to the Strampin' Ground. The thing that has amused mainly has been the fact that very many of the present ones is arrives you to the Music Box as a result of the reputation that the Biomechanical is being conquered in England like pupilli of the Judas Priest. Still before their entrance in the premises, people around we were enthusiastic in name gods of metal the Judas Priest, in order to compare them to this nearly disowned gang called Biomechanical. Every member of the group has been impeccable in the execution of pieces and, to astonish, it has been sure grinta and the dinamicità of the two guitarists, Chriss Webb and Jamie Hunt, and of the bassist young person Jon Collins. The singer John K. is making a best reputation like sonorous reincarnation of the illustrious Rob Halford, riscuotendo avalanches of positive critics, while for the Biomechanical the comparisons are wasted towards the leggendaria heavy metal band of the West Midlands. In order not to be refuted, the Biomechanical has proposed "Painkiller" (of the Judas Priest, of course!), that it has turned out to be one of pieces more applauds you of the evening: played like third piece, after one fabulous version of "Creeping Death" (Metallic) and the cover of "Raining Blood" (Slayer). From their last album (to consider a masterpiece already), The Empire Of the Worlds, the Biomechanical has extract, beyond the title track, "Enemy Within", "Regenerated", "DNA Metastasis", "Survival", "Relinquished Destiny" and "Assaulter". The thing that has rendered the Biomechanical appreciable, a lot to the the most dated metallari young people as far as metal-head, is the ability to approach the disparati kinds: metal, power and thrash in everyone of their pieces. In this way every good listener will find the own one "chicca" in the repertorio of the Biomechanical, absolutely not to lose, especially when the quintetto English he passes in the small club under house. From supporter of lusso to headliner the step he will be short, the future of the metal is in the hands of the Biomechanical: simply devastating!

Laura Delnevo
Should have posted ages ago, only just got round to it now. I took the Milton Keynes gig photos, shitty quality compared to some of the others but it was still a fun gig. I think I may have some more lying about, will have to check.

Dude didnt realise you were from Milton Keynes, Im playing at the Seethe headliner Pitz next February with my band. Come check us out man.
Machinated said:
Should have posted ages ago, only just got round to it now. I took the Milton Keynes gig photos, shitty quality compared to some of the others but it was still a fun gig. I think I may have some more lying about, will have to check.

:wave: Welcome to the Biomech board:wave:

That would be great if you've got other pics:)