Photoshop 6.0

I have it too. Sorry 7th.

Eddy - You can run it on most anything...but if you want to run it in style, you need a very beefy system...with TONS o RAM.
I'm interested in this one. But I'm not sure if I need it. I have version 5.5 and it often locks up. So at the moment I'm using Paint Shop Pro 6.00. It's a very cool program and you can use Adobe's plug-ins there too.
Amon, Photoshop 6 has never locked up for me. I found the same problem with version 5.0. Photoshop is a billion times better than paintshop. Especially if you want to get into serious graphic design :)
I have it too and it's cool (Beats PSP), I'd like to try some good plug-ins maybe. (anyone?)

I just updated it from 5.5 to 6.0 and I haven't noticed any big differences between them yet. (Read: I'm not a pro ) :D
EC: I have Fireworks but its not as nice as Photoshop...

Also the industry standard is becoming Photoshop so its nice to conform...

7th... I'll send you an email!
Originally posted by jim
I have 5.5 and it shits the bed on me every other month and I have to do a re-install...

:lol: That's one of the best descriptions for crashing software I've heard!!!

How are ya 7th? Long time no see! :)