Photoshop board members into famous movie scenes!

Deron- WIN!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

wow!!! Very nice sir!!! :kickass:

I will do it for sure, but this graduation needs to be over soon, all my effort and hours with Adobe
I spend on "school related" stuff...
But I shall indeed take part soon!! :grin:

so bård

Oh wow, you're good at Photoshop eh? ;)
Not a scene but a poster, but my brain is kinda not working right now... and I didn't feel like finishing it. BUT, you get the idea and you know exactly where it was going.

^Yeah I was like wtf... before :lol: Nice one!


Laughably bad, but I don't have any time now, plus I need you guys top post some pics here I'm not browsing 100pages of the other thread :p