Photoshop board members into famous movie scenes!

haven't seen the movie. won't, since i already heard what the "omg shocking twist ending!!" was. *shrugs at new horror movies in general* read the short story that it's based on, though, and loved it.

The movie is pretty good actually, the 'twist ending' wasn't a surprise to me and all I saw it a mile a way and I thought ti was stupid, other than the last 5 mins though, it's a great film... I highly reccomend it, it was one of the better movies I've seen in the past year.

am just amused by the photoshop. it kinda looks like the tentacles and whatnot are coming from my vagina.

Send me a more revealing photo and maybe I could arrange such an edit :p
I just did and I don't see me anywhere :lol:

Remember to always read the small prints.


It may not be obvious but i took the eyes from this heartless dude and, well... yeah.