Physical Pain: Good thing or bad thing?

Misanthrope said:
Magsec im sure your theory is well based but please refrain from saying Oh Daesu used to hit walls because he wanted to be tough. He hit walls out of sheer frustration and desperation, he never wanted to become a tough guy, he became one because of the incredible inhuman experiences that were forced upon him.
Did you enjoy Oldboy? So far people Ive asked have either loved it or hated it. The ones that hated it were cunts though.
When exactly this board went emo? (Just don't get smart about "it always was" if anyone cares to answer).

Just.... come on already: if you have some mental complications of some kind and need to do something destructive to yourself - take some valium or just calm down somehow, man, it's totally ridiculous to hear :D Yeah, I did a few bad things to myself as well (quite bad, quite a few, short and long term physical injuries for a reason), so all I can say from my experience - the most idioticy EVER = is to hurt yourself.

And "Latin, NOT Mexican" drives me to a conclusion of someone having "hot blood" and lack of self-control (all those southerns are kinda dramatic as I experienced on my own), but... even utterly overwhelming situation can't make a sane normal person to plunge into self-destruction - there is always a way out.

Been there, done that.
If you look at my posts (for instance) you'll see a real change in attitude. I haven't become less mature over time, I just realised it's not cool to detach yourself form an option like self destruction, if it can actually work. I've been happy since my spell of physicallity. It is an answer for some people. I think being a god puppet is fucking idiocy, but billions live by faith *shrugs* What ya gonna do!!?

When did 'Emo' become the universal term for having some issues? To me 'Emo' is more to do with the way you deal with you're issues (Dressing like a fucking ponse, writing terrible poetry and just generally advertising your angst). Punching a door or headbutting a wall doesn't make you "Emo", but it does if you do it infront of alot of people while wearing really tight pants and preaching about your lost loves. Me and my door had an intimate time. The only reason I'm sharing that here is because I wanted to withdraw my previous standpoint on this subject.
King Chaos said:
When did 'Emo' become the universal term for having some issues? To me 'Emo' is more to do with the way you deal with you're issues (Dressing like a fucking ponse, writing terrible poetry and just generally advertising your angst). Punching a door or headbutting a wall doesn't make you "Emo", but it does if you do it infront of alot of people while wearing really tight pants and preaching about your lost loves. Me and my door had an intimate time. The only reason I'm sharing that here is because I wanted to withdraw my previous standpoint on this subject.

Labeling (as any standartization) never been a good thing anyway, just leaving all those posers aside (and assuming overall tr00ness of locals), I consider "emo" any whiner, not able to deal with personal issues on their own and splattering them (issues, or consequencies) all over any place where others will have to deal with them (beginning from a forum post to a public place shoot-out).

As a matter of fact, it is not even a particular case - it's an overall investigation, going back to the roots of emo-ness, someone's inner intentions to hurt/be hurt, which has become a public trend over the course of time and a part of pop-culture ("oh, my wrists are so sliced, I can't even find a spot to cut myself any more.... *cry-cry-cry*").

No, I'm not letting my frustration out here :) I'm just laughing at that :Spin:
I dont think anyone was being emo, I found it was a pretty interesting discussion actually. And as you said you've hurt yourself too at some point, you should know what a serious subject it can be, so what are you on about?
Taliesin said:
I dont think anyone was being emo, I found it was a pretty interesting discussion actually. And as you said you've hurt yourself too at some point, you should know what a serious subject it can be, so what are you on about?


I gotta slowly raise the eyebrow you know? :Smug: :err:
Emo to me is clearly something different to what it is to you, and over here, I'm not Emo. Nor are any of these guys for what I can see. I don't like Emo kids. Call me a biggot, but I think they're all fucking retards.
We discussed this issue in a mature way. Nobody went after attention at all, and we debated the validity of self harm (I dislike that term) as a therapy.

You wanna winge about how emo stuff is, go use your "Spot the whiner goggles" on the Nf thread. Truth is, you have to think about why people are posting stuff about their emotions. Is it just so they feel self important by imposing the story of their apparent suffering upon people? Or is it looking for advice, or a degree of validation to do with the choices they have already made. Perhaps it's just friends telling each other how they are. I'd say on this forum you won't find an example of the first one, but the rest will be present in almost every, at least slightly emotive thread, and that's nothing to be ashamed of.
Misanthrope said:
Magsec im sure your theory is well based but please refrain from saying Oh Daesu used to hit walls because he wanted to be tough. He hit walls out of sheer frustration and desperation, he never wanted to become a tough guy, he became one because of the incredible inhuman experiences that were forced upon him.
Well, I actually didn't mean to imply anything about Oh Daeiouswhatever because I am not familiar with the character at all or the movie that KC mentioned. I was speaking about KC's reaction.
King Chaos said:
I just realised it's not cool to detach yourself form an option like self destruction, if it can actually work. I've been happy since my spell of physicallity.
So are you happy because you're destructing yourself, or because you feel you're becoming stronger?
I'm a bit confused over here, since self-destruction and becoming stronger are opposites, and happiness doesn't really match with self-destruction.
Siren said:
So are you happy because you're destructing yourself, or because you feel you're becoming stronger?
I'm a bit confused over here, since self-destruction and becoming stronger are opposites, and happiness doesn't really match with self-destruction.
To answer, I'm happy because I'm totally distracted.

To be able to beat a solid cold surface with no fear of the painful consequences is a mental strength (hand in hand with stupidity/mental deficancy I guess... but still). Today I did it again and the pain barely concerned me, of course I knocked off some scabs and made a couple more bruises. Im strong enough to willingly destroy my outer shell and not care about the damage done, only relish in the distraction and the adrenaline (I know that sounds really hyperbolized for this situation but that's what it is generally I think).

this is working for me right now. I know it could be easy to judge a person doing what I'm doing, and I would have judged people in my possition prior to my current events. I understand now why people might do something like this. I was a fucking state until I sparred with my old door earlier, I've been fine since.
Im reading Chucks "Fight Club" now, youve seen the film I guess. From this perspective I think I know what Misanthrope was originally asking. To add my 2 cents - those conflicts with others, yeah, I know all about that, its like a neverending story with me, Im getting into trouble constantly, cause theres usually one moron waiting for me every day to piss me off and I let him/her. Then Im mad at myself. Then the pain itself - I dont know, Ive never hurt myself to get rid of the emotional pain, been thinking about it a lot, but never done it, cause I know it wont help at all. Yet I can understand it and the book says it all. For me the pain issue is about courage - being able to receive a lot of pain for something and then give it, too - I still dont know if Im able to do that and sometimes it makes me think. Anyway, all of this is not really healthy, OSHO says go and smash a pillow or something or scream your lungs out, just dont let it eat you from within. And thats what Id suggest, too. :)
Siren said:
So are you happy because you're destructing yourself, or because you feel you're becoming stronger?
I'm a bit confused over here, since self-destruction and becoming stronger are opposites, and happiness doesn't really match with self-destruction.
It makes sense once you see the damage as an emotional catharsis, or as a way to feel yourself again.
@siren: your confusion comes from the fact that you want to see logic in it. But theres none Im afraid, cause logic has nothing to do with dealing and coping with mental and emotional pain, or pain as such. Of course, talking about it is inevitably sense-less, cause one uses metaphysical terms all the time, like pain, self, happy, feel, catharsis, etc. (all that Wittgenstein mumbo jumbo :grin: ).
Well no, i didn't try to see logic in it. I kinda understand why someone would try to destruct themselves when they feel pain. But if they feel happy, there's no sense in trying to knock themselves out, unless they're fucked in the head (no offense meant).
Except if they're not really happy. ;)

Now, if by "logic" you mean "basic standard meaning of words", i'm guilty as charged, cause i did try to see that. If we can't even mean the same basic things by the words we use, then there's no point in trying to talk about it in the first place.
No, by logic I meant trying to find contradiction in a statement which is outside logic anyway. But basically your notion of "basic standard meaning of words" is only a different way of putting the same thing (more or less). Yeah, words mean shit when we try to express such complex matters as why someone feels happier and stronger by inflicting physical pain on him/her. Its because there isnt anything in the world that could be the denotate (not sure about the spelling here) of the word "happy" or "happiness". The meaning of this word differs from person to person and, inevitably, trying to discuss it, again, leads to confusion and misunderstanding. Ludwig Wittgenstein said something beautiful about this, which I cant quote now, so Ill try to paraphrase: he said he will always see ethics as an activity without any sense, in terms of logic, yet he would never laugh at those who attempt to assault the firm borders of language, because he believes that to be the most noble and beautiful thing to do. His Tractatus are basically six theses that somehow demarcate logic from without, as he himself says, as a ladder you must climb up and throw away after you understood the fact that they are sense-less, because they try to say something about logic as such. And then he utters his famous last thesis, no. 7, which is only one statement: one must be silent about that what one cannot talk about (paraphrase). (It was funny when he was trying to find a publisher for this book, innocent, sincere and naive as he was, saying the most important thing is that which is not said in the book, but what the books POINTS at. Of course no one understood that. :) )
I absolutely brutalize myself when I suffer emotionally.May stop eating/ run the hell out of me ,opt for surgeries ,a couple of times pretended touching the hot stove by chance still have scars to mention a few.It's simple - one nail drives out another when you cannot bear the inner pain. Am I normal ? -more than many.But I cringe at the thought of violence ,I only punish myself.Now it's not something to brag about.Anyway a heavy physical exhaustion may do the trick ,I'm sticking to it.
rahvin said:
on another thread there's a discussion about ethics and childbirth. so i guess this is a christian forum.

hahahaha, it happens 'cause nowadays this forum is invaded for stupid people who thinks they are the coolest and the most intelligent guys in the whole world just 'cause they wear black t-shirts and listen to metal music. Those people believe their coments seems smart, when they actually look like ignorants.
Angelbreeze said:
people who thinks they are the coolest and the most intelligent guys in the whole world just 'cause they wear black t-shirts and listen to metal music.

how can you blame them? they're wearing clothes that make them sweat twice as much and get stopped by the police whenever they're in a 3-mile radius of a crime, and they're also listening to songs with content similar to the following:

With a burning hot desire
like a supersonic blast
we have come to show the world
that we have come to last
There ain't no way to stop us
and you'll never kill our pride
'cause it's not only music
it's a chosen way of life
And our world has got no borders
and in union we all stand
'cause heavy metal is our promissed land
'cause it's a heavy metal universe
with a heavy metal sound
masters of the thunder
shake you to the ground
It's a heavy metal bomber
and it's never going down
flying 'cross the universe
we're heavy metal bound
we're heavy metal bound

if that's not smart, i don't know what is.