PiB Availability?


I'm dancin like a monkey!
Sep 1, 2002
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
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Has anybody actually been able to buy this from somewhere. All I can find is the Japanese import, which is like 30 to 40 USD. The End Records doesn't even have it (they have most stuff I can't find other places).

Hopefully when it comes time for a new contract Amaran signs with a label that can actually get their albums out... you know... in stores... online shops... so people can actually buy it.
Hell any other label would have let me preorder it!
I guess it's because it won't be out until monday. There was a delay, but the label didn't announce the 'new' releasedate anywhere, so most people think that the album has been out for two weeks now, which isn't the case. Stuff like this pisses me off as well, especially because the album could've been out half a year ago (and I bet it would've appeared very high in lots of the top ten albums of 2003 lists!). I know it would happen this way, but I guess this is just how the business works... :erk:
I saw it yesterday in a shop (la FNAC) in France, so it's perhaps available in www.fnac.com.

Btw, I bought "Sleepy Buildings" by The Gathering, and it's great. the new versions of the songs are really good :)
Tauredil said:
I saw it yesterday in a shop (la FNAC) in France, so it's perhaps available in www.fnac.com.

Btw, I bought "Sleepy Buildings" by The Gathering, and it's great. the new versions of the songs are really good :)
That's strange. All of the online CD stores I checked, said the releasedate for the album is february 2nd. But maybe it's different for France because it's a Frensh label or whatever.

Hm, to come back to the subject of labels...I don't think that it would be too good if Amaran signed with the next label "that can actually get their albums out"; I mean they had the chance to sign to a major, but they didn't do it. And I think that was the best decision they could make, otherwise their label would have said stuff like: "No that riff is too technical, come up with something catchy instead!" "You want to have a duet with a singer from a Death Metal band in this song?? Forget it, we'll hire P. Diddy for the job!!" "No, that painted album cover doesn't fit. We'll use one that's got only a photo of your singer instead." etc, etc....

What I want to say is, I'd rather have some problems with getting the album than listening to a band that is more or less a product shaped by their label...
Nico16 said:
That's strange. All of the online CD stores I checked, said the releasedate for the album is february 2nd. But maybe it's different for France because it's a Frensh label or whatever.

I supposed that too.

Nico16 said:
Hm, to come back to the subject of labels...I don't think that it would be too good if Amaran signed with the next label "that can actually get their albums out"; I mean they had the chance to sign to a major, but they didn't do it. And I think that was the best decision they could make, otherwise their label would have said stuff like: "No that riff is too technical, come up with something catchy instead!" "You want to have a duet with a singer from a Death Metal band in this song?? Forget it, we'll hire P. Diddy for the job!!" "No, that painted album cover doesn't fit. We'll use one that's got only a photo of your singer instead." etc, etc....

What I want to say is, I'd rather have some problems with getting the album than listening to a band that is more or less a product shaped by their label...

I think Listenable is a good label. I mean, when you see a band from listenable, you know that it will be an original band, unlike a band which is from Arise records for example (always the same melodic speed metal).
Amaran starts to have a good promotion here in France, even if the distribution isn't so good. But perhaps, in a couple of years, it would be good for the band to sign on a bigger label, to go a step further.
but only them know what is the best for the band
Nico16 said:
Hm, to come back to the subject of labels...I don't think that it would be too good if Amaran signed with the next label "that can actually get their albums out"; I mean they had the chance to sign to a major, but they didn't do it. And I think that was the best decision they could make, otherwise their label would have said stuff like: "No that riff is too technical, come up with something catchy instead!" "You want to have a duet with a singer from a Death Metal band in this song?? Forget it, we'll hire P. Diddy for the job!!" "No, that painted album cover doesn't fit. We'll use one that's got only a photo of your singer instead." etc, etc....
I don't mean a major label. But there are other small labels that get there stuff out no problem. At the very least you'd be able to order direct from the label online.
From Listenable's site: "Payment by cash in registered letter only." I'm going to say its been a good 50 years since anyone has done mail order this way (with cash only). And that's the only way to do it. They don't even give you a proper order form to print off. And no preorders.
I've seen local unsigned bands with a better ordering system.

Edit: Also PiB has been out in Japan for months. Which means its been finished for months. Listenable really has no excuse for not getting it out on time.
AWESOME!!! this album and band truly and utterly kicks ass!!
i just placed my order!! :)

who knows where i can get World Depraved online for a reasonable price ($10-$14US) ?
I ordered PIB and AWD last friday from the End records.

@Naz : I also found AWD With a Pale Forest album for $20. Pale forest is a good band too but I only heard a few samples over their official website.
maybe if you liked the samples you can buy both albums. it's quite a deal if you like both bands.