Pics from... Mars

Yeah well pedophiles more have a disease. Rapists are still the fuckin fuckers IMO. Pedophile rapists are even worse:lol:
Black Metal pedophile with moustache:

Uhhh... back on topic?

I think I have been living under a rock, since it looks like those pictures have been around for a while, and yet they are brand new to me. Most amazing images I have seen in a pretty long time.
they also have a rover on mars now that will dig up a piece of ice from the ground and melt it in this oven-like thing attached to the rover, and study it or something.
Sounds interesting. I think it's only a matter of months or years before they find some bakteria or whatever, especially if they manage to capture some ice. Then again, they may not give away anything. Those pics have been around just couple of days, but they were taken in 2005. It's amazing to see his res pics like that from a place that's 5 years speed of sound away.
Yeah it is kinda sad that one of the first genuinely interesting and intelligent threads in a while degenerated into talk of convicts and peadophiles tbh.
Yeah it is kinda sad that one of the first genuinely interesting and intelligent threads in a while degenerated into talk of convicts and peadophiles tbh.

You're talking like you didn't contribute to it aswell.

...and nice typo Mr.English! :lol:
Paedophiles is actually the correct spelling you fucking dolt, well it can be spelt both ways but whatever... (actually I did get the 'e' and the 'a' the wrong way round, but fuck you)
From the link:

"A prominent, sickle-shaped (about 25 km-long) dyke is visible in the centre of the image (2)."

No wonder I got wood... I thought it was the excitement of seeing a new planet.