Pics from session today


Aug 2, 2007
I was tracking drums for a band today and had my camera with me so I got a few shots of the studio.
EDIT: Pictures are huge, sorry. I thought they would be resized automatically.

Sonor S CLass kit miced up with ORTF overheads


Warwick Tubepath 5 on Peavey and Warwick 410 cabs


Mesa OS cab on Orange ppc412


Heads rack


Korg tuner on Digitech GSP1101


Mesa Triple recto






Marshall DSL on Marshall 412


Marshall 8100 on ENGL 412






Control Room


Pre rack. Ber HP amp, API A2D, Drawmer DL221, Phoenix DRS-Q4, Drawmer 1968, ISA220, ISA 828
Thought the same thing when I first saw it. But I've got a funny feeling they might be ATM450's. So they're side address. Which would explain the strange placement.
The overheads are ATM450s side address. They look odd but trust me, they are ORTF in the photo. Left mic is pointing down and left along the angle of the mic stand and right is down and right.

AHJ:"Unless they are micing the ceiling, it's not ORTF/NOS no matter what if the microphones are end or side adress. ORTF points out, not in. And it's not XY either because the capsules are too far from eachother"

Look at where the capsule is on the mic and my explanation then look at the photo again.,r:0,s:0

The peavey was at those settings last session. They change all the time depending on the band.
Bit off topic perhaps, but how do you like that Digitech GSP1101? I'm considering one for the effects. Also looking at the Gmajor2
Bit off topic perhaps, but how do you like that Digitech GSP1101? I'm considering one for the effects. Also looking at the Gmajor2

Yeah was wondering how he likes it too, seems to use it as a boost in front and as a gate. Got one here and ain't crazy about it but haven't tried running it like this yet. I've been using its pre sims and effects. A couple of days ago they released a new firmware update which allows you load your own impulses which is cool
Hendrix is oil on canvas. Have Angus on another wall. Love them!
Place is dusty alright. Been crazy busy the last few months but I am off for 2 weeks now so I will do a big clean up.
I love the GSP1101. I have a ts808 and several over drive/distortion pedals but tend to use the digitech instead. I am running the c48 firmware and it has lots of different overdrives including a few tube screamers that sound pretty much exactly like the real ones. I also use the digitech for gate, compressor and mid boost eq. I don't use the preamp models even though they are pretty good but it is worth it for the gate, pedals, eq, compressor and, of course, save/recall of settings. Also lets me vary the level hitting the amps input which is handy sometimes. I have the output of the digitech going to a Morley George Lynch tripler to the 3 heads and can select which one the signal is going to so everything stays wired up without having to repatch. Each head has it's own speaker cable going into the live room to connect to a cab.
Didn't know there was a new update. Thanks. I will check it out tomorrow.
are those the settings used on that 5150? or is that just after being moved and bumped around?

mids at 1? o.O

Before I got my 6505 from Lasse I would have thought the same.
But hell this 5150/6505 have so much mids, it is just unreal.

Last session I did, I had the mids on 3 (with a Ibanez SZ and Dimebucker pickup which is already a little scooped)

In the post I had to turn down the 400-700hz area with waves api and waves v-series eqs like 8dB and the guitar-sound is still mid-heavy as hell:rock:
Hendrix is oil on canvas. Have Angus on another wall. Love them!
Place is dusty alright. Been crazy busy the last few months but I am off for 2 weeks now so I will do a big clean up.
I love the GSP1101. I have a ts808 and several over drive/distortion pedals but tend to use the digitech instead. I am running the c48 firmware and it has lots of different overdrives including a few tube screamers that sound pretty much exactly like the real ones. I also use the digitech for gate, compressor and mid boost eq. I don't use the preamp models even though they are pretty good but it is worth it for the gate, pedals, eq, compressor and, of course, save/recall of settings. Also lets me vary the level hitting the amps input which is handy sometimes. I have the output of the digitech going to a Morley George Lynch tripler to the 3 heads and can select which one the signal is going to so everything stays wired up without having to repatch. Each head has it's own speaker cable going into the live room to connect to a cab.
Didn't know there was a new update. Thanks. I will check it out tomorrow.

Cool, gotta try the GSP out like this next time I'm messing around with a guitar tracking.