Pics from the Hypocrisy Show in Antwerp

Yeah I was there too!!! The gig was fucking excellent as always!
Peter came with us after the show to drink some beers and we talk a bit.
Very nice gig! Today I'm going to see them again in Holland! :rock: :rock:
This is one of my pics:
PerfidiA said:
Yeah I was there too!!! The gig was fucking excellent as always!
Peter came with us after the show to drink some beers and we talk a bit.
Very nice gig! Today I'm going to see them again in Holland! :rock: :rock:
This is one of my pics:
Thanks both! From those of us in the UK not getting the pleasure :waah: ...

Do you have more pix from that gig PerfidiA (or am i being hasty if you intend to post another link later after all the gigs you're going to :bah: ) ?
DragonLady1 said:
cool pics oink... now thats funny, why is there written planet music on the right side of the page? its the name of the venue where the played in Vienna ;)

Thanks Dragonlady. Why Planet Music? coz the the slogan is like Radio LRB, your Planet Music :)

I got some more pics from Hypocrisy (from the tour with Dimmu)
