Pics Pics Pics

already said,

-->live pictures/antimatter
--> memories/athens





hehe, the thing I like about this pic is that you can see the people that talked all the way through our quiet acoustic set. Caught red-handed gabbing away. The funny thing is, most of the people on that table didnt even pay to get in. Cheers mates!

yeah, that's the case everywhere i guess. you pary to find a ticket before it's sold-out to, you pay a fortune for it and there are still them wankers standing beside you that got inf or free because they know the singer (or if they're girls cos they've shagged him), and all they do is drink to death and pulling jokes while laughing loud as hell throughout the gig, paying no attention at all to the band whatsoever...

but to be honest, if i could get a free entrance thingy for a band a didn't like, i'd do the same thing... :D