
Thanks closed coffin and girlfriend for taking these pictures! We appreciate that unconditional media support. Closed, you seem to be a deadicated metal member of the scene since the early 90's! Sorry didnt get to thank you in person for taking the pictures, and now is that time, THANKS. And hope to see you again soon. You say your a bassist, which band and how does it sound like?

You have some old school pictures, jebus!
Hey no problem, thanks for letting me take pics. Sorry about the over exposed shots, can't wait to see you guys again and get some better shots, you guys kicked ass!

Closed Coffin is the name of the band, originally formed in the Bay Area We had a good run in the early '90's opening for Machinehead, D.R.I., Forbidden...etc. We are reviving the project, and we'll be recording soon.
Hey that's pretty fucking awesome how TRUE metalheads have the balls to wear baggy pants over there in the US. If that happened here there would be a million elitist cuntholes calling you whiggah nu rocker or whatever. As if clothes had anything to do with metal.
CraniumSlip said:
Where are you from Patrick?
Denmark! You know, the best place to be in Scandinavia? Very happy here. But yeah I study in Gothenburg right now, this drab Swedish mentality is really depressing at times.
Fucking oath, we're flat as a pancake and with no redeeming Scandinavian might or whatever, but still we rule all cause of our balls and attitude. You're right, Swedes aren't our cup of tea! Maybe cause of cultural differences, ie. all Swedish guys are fags.
Hahah...hey don't blame me, I'm not the arranger of the larger-than-nations Gay parades over here. heheh...but, seriously, Swedish guys ARE very small and feminine whereas Danish young men tend to be very, you know, beefy and forceful. It's true!
HAHAHAHAHA....larger than nations eh? Even larger than the population in that is gay! Super gay!

Yes the Danes (jutes) are extremely buff and quite on the large side. They know how to take charge and control everyone, at least they did in Danish history!
Jutland! I'm from Devil Island that is Sealand the other part of DK, but I wanna check out Jutland...going there this Wednesday! I may very well be moving to Jutland next year, plus the scene is better there.