
Nice ones Mark, still working on mine. Looking forward to the rest.

the D300 is so needed :p the D70 had a hard time with the given light conditions.

Great Alchemist photo Henk. Looks like someone's set fire to his head! I managed to get a shot of the Circus Maximus singer doing some sort of Elvis impersonation...must have been those damn awful sunglasses! :lol:
Nice pics, Henk!
Wish I could shoot like that some day...

But on the other hand, that would make probably leave me without beer, wouldn't it?
That seems to be out of question, for a Swede:kickass:

There must be much more pics out there???
As there was +20 cameras in front of the stage...
Henk, are you kidding??? There are tons of AWESOME pics there!!!

Thanks !!

Actually its more from the technical point of view, the composition is wheter you like it or not, the quality of the pic is in my opinion less than i want them to be.

these pics are, technically spoken (sharpness, clearnes and exposure) the kind of pics i was referring to.


Kingfisher Sky - Het Kasteel (small local venue)


Autumn - Patronaat

But maybe i've set the standard too high for myself ;)