pictures from the ducth gigs

Lol, great pics! I saw Hypocrisy last friday with Nother and dimmu borgir. Crazy show :Spin:
I saw them yesterday at the Z7 in Switzerland. The gig was really good and since it was sold out they got some good support (tho there were still many DB fans just standing around like some statues :Smug: ). I took some pics and will put them online during the weekend or next week the latest.
Also I'm going to see them in Stuttgart so there will be even more pics :) *can't wait till Sunday*
I saw them in Milan three days ago..nothing to say, they were just brilliant, Peter's voice was at its best and the sound was crushing ! The new song they played is amazing...can't wait for the new album at the beginning of 2004 ! I took some pic too of course, but it will take some time until they' re ready, but i'll share them :) ] C ya !