

Oct 25, 2002
Rijswijk, The Netherlands
While most of you are probably still discussing the new Pain album as well as Bloodbath's latest, here's something more surprising from;

HYPOCRISY just posted the following message on their website :
"We are pleased to announce we are entering the studio again early next month to start working on the follow up of The Arrival. We have no title or release date yet but we will keep you updated during the recording process."

(News posted: 2004-10-01)
That´s really good news!
I want to know if they change their sond with the new members Andreas and Horgh and how they influence the songwriting! Maybe some heavier stuff...?

They´re so fast with their releases... only 8 months after Arrival they enter the studio again!
No doubt that SOMETHING will change with the line-up/album, logical, but I'm looking forward to it. I like The Arrival a lot but yeah.. it'll probably be more 'fresh' now. :D
yeah in a the-deep-dark-growls-of-Bloodbath-meets-insane-screams-of-Hypocrisy-and-brutal-songs-which-are-yet-quite-melodic-sounding-a-bit-like-Pleasures of Molestation-from-the-greatest-hits-album-way!
Deathrow said:
I want to know if they change their sond with the new members Andreas and Horgh and how they influence the songwriting! Maybe some heavier stuff...?

Well, I really wouldn't consider Andreas as a new member since he has been touring and rehearsing with the band for years... but maybe it is just being a matter of opinions.

Anyways, I don't know if those two (Andreas and Horgh) will have that huge influence on Hypocrisy 'cos it has always been pretty strongly Peter's vision though Mikael and ex-drummer Lars have also taken part in song writing. We'll see... :)
I want an album that has it all-i would like to hear some clean vocals again on a few of the slower, more depressing songs, but would like the atmosphere of the self-titled cd. A few blasting songs in for good measure :headbang:
Katastrophik said:
After a gem like The Arrival, I can't wait.... :hotjump:
I am going to pray they come back to Canada as they were an amazing live show with Bodom, Nevermore and Borgir.

saw that show in new york. best show i've ever been to. almost got my jaw broken in the bodom pit, knocked some kid out just by headbanging (we were headbanging opposite each other, our heads collided, i wasn't phased, kid just passed out), and it was a glorious evening.