thewendy said:
January 12 2004
Official press release Hypocrisy
-Hypocrisy announces line-up changes-
Hello everybody,
We would like to inform you of a change in the Hypocrisy line-up.
We had a band meeting today and the three of us decided that, for "our own" reasons, Lars Szöke will no longer play in the band.
It's always heavy when an orginal member leaves a band. Lars and I have been playing together for 20 years in different bands and he's been kicking the shit out of the drums in Hypocrisy for 13 years. But now it's time to move on.
The new drummer for Hypocrisy is none other than Horgh (ex-Immortal, Grimfist) and we´re convinced that he will kick the shit out of the drums as well... We will see you on The Arrival tour in either Europe or the USA, giving you 100%!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (see tourdates for confirmed dates)
Enjoy the new album, because we are.....
Very hit and significative words Peter! The think that is more strong for me is that Lars have always played in Hypocrisy, he is a 33,3... % of Hypocrisy and Hypocrisy is one of the rare band that had been a lineup stabiltity through years, in some moments i was wonder from the feeling that were (and continue to stay, and will exist forever) in your band. However Lars, is one of most talented guy drummer on our planet, and i don't joke when say that i'm stay really seeking for a talented drummer for my new album, and Lars if want have holydays, or change lifestyle for a period, in future he can come in my lands, welcome in my young The 4th dimension studios for recording my first album's drum parts. However i think that horgh is another fuckin talented drummer and fit perfectly for a new (and coming) race/type of Hypocrisy, (and sincerely i'm just morbous curious about the influence and playstyle that you can exchange with this drummer, and a potentially futures new song that can come out from this new lineup). Also happy for Andreas permanent joining, he really merit to join Hypocrisy (sincerely i'm a little bit envious

). I'm really taken about this new fresh and important news, that have changed and will change, the course of Hypocrisy events and musicstyle.
However i'm sad because metal world (zines, metal tvs and media) haven't taste full what appen, and haven't gived the right importance on the event! Damn, a 20 years old members of Hypocrisy is leaved out, and a new great talented drummer is coming; and standing to world's metal media announcements, this seems to be not a very hard news that really for we (forum people) is !!! Then, i realize that there aren't in media metal support worlds the finest metal cultured person, instead of past time.
About new album, i think that it will be a new pillar and masterpiece of Hypocrisy (eheheh i'm sure you just "enjoy" with motorized digidesign faders and tons of new production possibility with plugins and with this jewel of technology! And don't discard all the new and illimitate possibility of new digidelivery systems (i think that virtually, with right computers and internet connection, you can connects studios around world). And very, very thanks for have make true my dream: rerecording The Abyss song!!!
Finally i hope that you Peter, read this directly and if not, i just hope that our webmistress and moderator twendy forward this to you (this posts can take only 10 minutes of your life Pete!) and sincerely i hope that one day we of forum can discuss with you and other Hypomember direclty here, just creating a normal account, and also think that now that Lars have more free time, i hope that he have more time to discuss and post directly sometimes here
That's all! We will see on the road, and just take care of the setlist suggestions that i will propose to you for the Italian gig, and very thanks for have gived me the pleasure of starting the show last 14 oct milan (photos here ) with The Gathering/Roswell classic intro!!!
That's really all!