Pictures of tonight's 28-4 show in Holland

Morticia NL.

Orphaned sister
Hi people,

I cannot write now, cause I have to get to bed. Early morning tomorrow to se the show in Belgium.
Just want to tell you that the guys rocked and everyone loved it!
Check out the pictures in this link to the hebrew forum.
I will put them somewhere else later, for everyone to see, I just do not have the time right now.

Greetings from a very happy,

:OMG: What a wonderful pictures Nathalie, again thanks to you!, they are really great! and congrats to Edwin!!!!!...and of course everyone can love them at stage...! :rock:
Who is the guy on the guitar ???

Great pictures :-)

I'm gonna see OL live in Vevey, Switzerland, and I can't wait !!!

The show was absolutely awesome, I liked Paradise Lost too but I bought my ticket just to see Orphaned Land. The band was very energetic and the sound was great. I was the crazy guy in the yellow t-shirt singing along with all the lyrics. :D Not only was the concert great (although 30 minutes of Orphaned is really just a teaser), I got to mee Tal (Yossi's replacement) and Uri! A special word of thank goes to Uri, he was the nicest guy I've ever met! He was so down to earth and I loved talking to you, can't wait to see you guys at progpower europe. Thanks for a great concert.
thanx Nathalie.....

Your picsture are just great (as always)....
and I always wanted to see OL's pics by the master Ed.....and here at last!
Hey, I am back from Belgium, where OL performed last night. It was a great show, a lot of people knew their songs already. The first band did not get too much attention, but when OL came up the stage, the place was pretty packed already.
This time they had about 40 minutes to perform. I will write a more detailed story on the show later.
I think I have to explain about Yossi not being there, because I am not sure everyone knows about this? Well, Yossi could not get away from work, so they brought in a replacement for him and his name is Tall. He is a very nice guy. Could not have been anything but that, because otherwise he would not fit the rest of the band.
They are now enjoying two days off in Belgium and I will be joining them again in Berlin, Germany.
Expect some pictures later ok.
WOW...great pics Nathalie..and sure- great pics Edwin :)

Morticia NL. said:
They are now enjoying two days off in Belgium and I will be joining them again in Berlin, Germany.
Expect some pictures later ok.

:OMG:You gonna come to Berlin on Monday, Nathalie?? Really???? That will be great if we could meet us there...don't you think so :grin:...
Geri- you are gonna be there? Wow- We will see one another in the show for sure! :) Will you be able to recognize me from the pictures?
You can bet on me being there, I booked my flight today. :hotjump:

Derya, you know I would love for you to be there. To have another night like we had in Istanbul at the OL gig. :erk: Guess it's not gonna happen on this tour.
Morticia NL. said:
Geri- you are gonna be there? Wow- We will see one another in the show for sure! :) Will you be able to recognize me from the pictures?
You can bet on me being there, I booked my flight today. :hotjump:

I'l be 100% there....I have buyed the tickets (for me, ssister & friend) about a month I'll try to find you for sure :grin:, but if i can't recognize you ...I hope that you can recognize me ;)

so see you on Monday in Columbia Club :rock:
:hotjump: sure i enjoed it Nathalie...eeeeevery second i spend there was undescribable....

I'm still voiceless...and I thought it is impossible for me to be we just have to think about a posting a pic of us both don't you think ;)

for first i'll send you mine @ your email...