Pig Destroyer 'Terrifyer' is kicking my dick so hard its about to split plum in two!

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
This album has serious album of the year intentions. Expect to see this very high in a lot of peoples polls. It is very thrash, but in a The Haunted gone TOTALLY INSANE kind of way. Yes they are grind, but this shit is WAY beyond the usual Napalm Death grind. Completely amazing album. Get it, or continue to wallow in your downs syndrome!
The new one is SO good!

I'm totally trying to find the rest of my dick . . . it's been beaten to a pulp something fierce.

Where the hell is that damn thing?

I need it to pee . . .

Pig Destroyer should rule this planet . . . 'cause they RULE!
Yea. My whole pxdx concert was an awesome and cheap experience. $14 fo the ticket and new CD+DVD and $8 for a Misery index shirt. I've spent twice that total just for a concer ticket.