Piggy in his last days!?


C-C-Cool Beans!!!
I just read Piggy (Denis) from Voivod is in hospice with Colon Cancer....

Needless to say this has saddend me quite a bit, and I certainly hope he'll pull thorugh, but when a pateint is under these circumstances, it is usually quite dire and the chances of recovery are slim. :cry: My heart goes out to his bandmates, family and close freinds right now....

Too many pioneers have been taken from us, and this is yet another brilliant mind that doesn't deserve to leave us so soon.

I remember being 14 (it was the summer 1990) and hearing my first Voivod album Nothingface after spending my last $10.00 for the week I had earned working as a board op at a radio station... It was the best $10.00 I had ever spent on an album at that time, the sonic metal assualt on my ears was unlike anything I had ever heard. I'll never forget it.. I don't think I've told anyone this before, but the very afternoon I bought that album, I was kicked out of my parents house for a few days (for unrealated reasons... kep in mind I was 14 and this was mostly due to the fact I was a rebellious teen and an idiot!) and the only thing I had with me for those three days living on my freinds trampoleen was my cassette walkmen and the Nothingface album. It kept good company, and I had a long three days to absorbe every inch of that album. it was an absolute trip... to this very day, I know nearly every lyric, riff and beat to that album. I have been a fan ever since... it seems like only yesterday still.

It's funny how music can affect your life, and with Voivod, and Piggy's approach to playing/songwriting; it has always an influence and aspiration for me. NO one can touch this guy, he is a genius and an innovator of the phrased "cyber-metal". each Voivod album I bought from that point on was like a soundtrack to another chapter in my life.... how strange to think of it like that, but it's very true.
