Pills & Drugs for nerviness on stage

Thanks guys.
I think once I played the first song everything will go perfect.

Thats how it works for me.
The first song usually is pretty rough, the second song is a little bit better, and the third song is great!

What i absolutely hate is that my fingers start locking up in the beginning. :(
I beg to disagree. A well-known Finnish musician, who has been performing for quite some time, once said: "The day you stop being nervous before a gig is the day you stop caring about delivering a good show."

There's a huge difference between anxiety and nervousness. Anxiety is good; looking forward to the show, maybe not feeling 100% sure about what's going to happen, but ready to take advantage of the adrenaline - all of these are good things.

Being nervous about forgetting lines, parts, the band not being tight, your equipment fucking up, etc, etc... are all things that could be avoided by practice and the subsequent boost in confidence.
There's a huge difference between anxiety and nervousness. Anxiety is good; looking forward to the show, maybe not feeling 100% sure about what's going to happen, but ready to take advantage of the adrenaline - all of these are good things.

Being nervous about forgetting lines, parts, the band not being tight, your equipment fucking up, etc, etc... are all things that could be avoided by practice and the subsequent boost in confidence.


That's the right idea, except backwards.

Stress is good.
Anxiety is bad.
There's a huge difference between anxiety and nervousness. Anxiety is good; looking forward to the show, maybe not feeling 100% sure about what's going to happen, but ready to take advantage of the adrenaline - all of these are good things.

Being nervous about forgetting lines, parts, the band not being tight, your equipment fucking up, etc, etc... are all things that could be avoided by practice and the subsequent boost in confidence.

While I do agree, I think perhaps your focusing a bit too much on semantics, cuz I always thought of anxiety and nervousness as being pretty synonymous. Regardless, though, the sentiment stands!
5 mg of diazepam or any family of benzodiazepine should do the trick to just take the edge off, but........you'll need a prescription!
Finally, I did it, last saturday.
No drugs, no pills. Just some litres of beer and a great successs.
It was the first show of my freak metal project. More than 1.000 crazy fans and sucking groupies. More than 2.000.000 views of oure 7 videos.
After 10 years of gigs, tours and everything with my all life band, this is the awesomest band I've ever had. EL RENO RENARDO. Sad but truue
The videos are from our first live performance. I'm not a singer, I'm a retarded guitarist turned into singer.
Sorry, it's in spanish.
If you dojnot like it, fuck you. I'm drunk.

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Ugghh, seriously, I know that feeling - better to arrange your set with easier stuff first I reckon!

Yeah, we usually put a fast, but easy to play song first.. then we put a slower song so i could "warm up" for the tougher songs.
I really hate being like that, because it feels like you are dragging the rest of the band down with you. ;/

But i guess i shouldn't really complain.. i mean, its not like i pass out when i enter the stage! :lol: