There now appears to be two Gorgoroth factions. (One straight, One which like little boys)
Gorgoroth Trial Date Set
Infernus filed a lawsuit against King ov Hell in September this year, on the basis of King ov Hell (the 6th bass player in Gorgoroth's history) going behind Infernus' back in September 2007, secretly applying for trademark protection of the bandname and logo of Gorgoroth, which Infernus started using in 1992. The court case has now finally been scheduled. It will take place in Oslo, Norway, in the last week of January 2009.
Infernus' Gorgoroth line-up is now complete, and the new vocalist is none other than the legendary Pest - back at last after an 11 year hiatus from the band. The 2008 incarnation of Gorgoroth thus consists of Pest (vocals), Infernus (guitars), Tormentor (guitars), Frank Watkins (bass) and Tomas Asklund (drums).
As for the work on the new album, "Quantos Possunt ad Satanitatem Trahunt", it is going ahead more or less as scheduled, but due to the upcoming trial in Oslo in January 2009, the guitar recordings will be slightly postponed. The album will contain eight tracks of Infernus' signature aural evil, and will be released in 2009 on Regain Records. Fear the return!