Piraya needs you!!

Oct 17, 2005
Kinnear, Wyoming
Hey everybody,

I'm sure that most of you have already seen a number of these bulletins from a number of your friends, but the fact remains, Piraya needs your votes! Come on, it'll only take like a minute of your time and I know they would greatly appreciate it. All you have to do is go to www.bodogmusic.com and click on "Battle of the Bands." From there go to "Voting," then to "Wildcard Voting." Click on the "Details" button next to the Bluebird Theater date. If you don't have an account at Bodog you will have to register before you vote, but it'll be worth it to help out your friends. If you're on my "friends" list you more than likely know and love these gentlemen. Anyway, if you have your account and you have gone all the way to "Details" there should be a list of the competition winners and below that the wildcard folks with their "vote percentages" next to their name somewhere. Just click on the "Vote" button and it will register. You may be annoyed by these little campaign adds (oh, hilarious!), but come on, these guys love what they do and deserve to go on in this competition.

please and thank you!