Place in US to start Metal Band


New Metal Member
Aug 18, 2002
North Carolina
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Does anyone have any advice on the best places in the U.S., besides LA and NY, to start Metal bands. I play drums and will be getting out of the military in a few months. I'm looking for a place that has lots of metal musicians to play with/start a band.
Boston seems to have a lot coming out of that area lately.

Shadows Fall
Lamb of God
Old Man Gloom

Austin, TX; Dallas, TX; Chicago; Portland, OR; Seatle; Denver, CO
Yeah, you should definitely get out of NC if you want to start a metal band.

npearce made some good recommendations other than NYC and LA. I'd go with Chicago, Denver, and the Pacific Northwest for sure. I'd like to move out to Portland/Seattle/Vancouver sometime in the near future. :)
Pacific Northwest is lovely. I don't know anything about the metal scene since I live in a real small town in the middle of nowhere but I love this place! I will be moving real close to Mt. Rainier in September though :rock: TAMPA especially...


-Death Metal Rulez!!!
Austin, TX is a good place, and it's not hella expensive like Cali or NY. While it's not as big as it used to be for metal, there are still bands like Watchtower, Spastic Ink, Power of Omens (maybe not from Austin, but still TX), etc.

I've also been discovering a lot of bands from Minnesota and Wisconsin, believe it or not. Corum, Gracepoint, Kopecky, Play Dead, etc. You might check into that area, as I've heard the local scene in Minneapolis is pretty big.
Wow, denver got mentioned.

There are a lot of bands here, though it is starting to thin out, and we are running out of decent venues to play. most of the more established/experienced bands in denver have pretty much stopped playing locally. catheter, serberus, excommunion, silencer, angels never answer etc. i can think of a few talented bands here that are looking for drummers, though.
All depends on what type of music you want to create...

Florida has long been one of the best places for DM, thought the bay area is starting to pick up again...
All them places seem to be good ones but all of you left out Cleveland.It has a metal back ground that has been going on for years clevelands own mushroom head has been tearing it up and soon will Ebola death metal with a twist of grind core but good luck where ever you go.

Severed Savior
Dark Angel
Death Angel

etc... lots of metal here. :lol: