Place nicknames & the names for people living there...


Super Ninja Penguin..
Oct 30, 2008
Redcar, England.
Basically, me & a friend were having this discussion.
It's hard to type out now (damnit!)
Do you have a nickname for the place you live, or a nickname for the people who live there?

For example;
People from Birmingham (uk) = Brummies
Newcastle = Geordies
Sunderland = Mackums
London = idk actually.
Liverpool = Scousers

name some :D
See, I thought that but I'm talking to a friend who's a londoner and she is adament they're not called cockneys anymore.

There's just loads of dickheads down here. And Polish chaps. And Vietnamese. FUCKDAMNIT I WANT A RACIALLY PURE SE.