Plains, Trains, and Plantains: The Story of Oedipus

spelling and grammar errors in "corrections" on this is page 3 page plus generally fake-looking handwriting = nobody actually turned this teacher would ever accept that :lol:

kinda funny in places
cthulufhtagn said:
spelling and grammar errors in "corrections" on this is page 3 page plus generally fake-looking handwriting = nobody actually turned this teacher would ever accept that :lol:

kinda funny in places

Maybe the professor was a negar?
I turned in some crap in my day but that takes the cake.

One time I had to write a paper on some article in one of our text books. It was a compilation by a bunch of various people. In my paper I got way sidetracked and basically just insulted the book, the authors who contributed to it, and of course the douchebag editors that compiled it.

Little did I know my professor was one of those authors. Whoops.
I completely forgot about this! I swear, it looks like something my friend Chris would write if he didn't care about the class.